19. Who do you like?

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Chapter Nineteen: Who do you Like?

“Do you know how beautiful you are?” Harry asked me.

“Not at all?”


“Meg and I have that symbol tattooed the inside of our ring finger.”


“We’re best friends aren’t we?”

“Can I see?”

I showed him, and he touched the tips of my fingers with his, sliding his between mine, very slowly, focusing really hard like it was a challenge of some sort, then when his fingers hit the stopping point they curled around my hand. Mine reacted doing the same. His hands felt so warm and inviting against mine, they were so soft and perfect. The sun was starting to go down, and it was starting to get very cold, very fast.

Harry sat down on the bench facing the sunset, leaving me standing there holding his hand. I don’t know if that kiss was the right thing to do, but Meg was right he is so sweet, so I decided there was no harm. I sat down, shivering, so he lifted both my arm and his to wrap it around my shoulder so my right arm was sitting on my shoulder too, pulling me closer to help warm me up.

You know those people who you just can’t sit in silence with without it being awkward? That there are only a few people you can sit in silence with and it isn’t? Like your mum or your best friend? Harry is one of those people, we just sat there in silence watching the sun go down.

When it was dark, we stood up to walk home and Harry gave me his blazer so I wouldn’t get cold and grabbed my hand again before I could stop him, he didn’t look like he was this cute on television, he looked like the naughty one who went for older girls, I’m not older, I’m actually younger....

When we arrived back, Meg gave me our “get in there” look and Niall made some weird yet still cute face at Harry.

“Britt!” A familiar voice came from the kitchen. It was Cher, Meg’s mum!

“Cher! Long time no see!” I said giving her a hug, over the years we have become pretty close considering Meg and I spent our lives at each other’s houses.

“And this must be Harry!” she said hugging him too, she loves hugging people. “Mmm not as cuddly as Niall sorry Harry.” Everyone laughed. Looks like Niall got his fair share of hugs too.

“Awee” Harry said acting upset.

“So do you men want to cook the BBQ or do Britt and I have to?” Meg asked jokingly.

“Can you teach us?” Niall asked. Meg laughed at him and kissed him on the cheek grabbing the meat.

“Niall, this will be the easiest cooking you have ever done, ever. Mum could you possibly do the salads?”

“Of course.”

We all walked outside, one after another, and Harry and Niall were the biggest idiots while Meg was turning on the BBQ and cleaning it off. Once it was clean, she called over the boys to make them watch how to cook it. She slapped on the sausages and chops and stood there.

“Is that seriously all you do?” Niall asked literally drooling at the smell of the cooking food.

“Yes it is, and you just turn them over when one side is cooked, Australians are lazy”

“More like genius.”  Everyone laughed while Niall drooled over the food. Meg handed Harry the tongs and walked inside to turn on the radio. Believe it or not the presenter was just introducing One Thing by no other than One Direction.

“This is our jam!” Harry yelled and everyone laughed at him as he did the inbetweeners dance in the intro while Niall mimicked Liam in his starting piece. Harry of course taking over in his part. They sounded amazing together.

“Cos you’ve got that one thing!” they sang, Harry pointing at me, Niall pointing at Meg, and.... Cher pointing at the salads. Gotta love that woman. Meg started walking over to flip the chops and sausages when Niall grabbed her by the waist and started dancing with her. They have to be the cutest couple, I think they could go the distance.

Harry started dancing with me too, twirling me around, being an idiot, no other guy has done all this for me, danced with me, sang to me, watched the sunset, given me his blazer.  He’s a real gentleman and needs more credit.

At dinner everyone ate a decent amount, with an acception given to no other than Niall, who had his plate piled up with meats and salads.

After dinner, we said goodbye to Cher and Harry walked me to his bedroom, which was already a mess, good on him, I say, I couldn’t manage that this quickly... He dove onto the bed, rolling over with his hands behind his head.

“Did you know, that you’re beautiful?”

“You’ve already told me.”

“Someone as beautiful as you, should be called beautiful every second.”

“Oh really?” I laughed.

“Yeah really.” He said sitting up and pulling me onto his lap.

For the next hour, we talked about random things, like our favourite foods, what we like to do best, favourite music, what we want to do before we die, most embarrassing moments, stupidest thing we’ve done, who we like...

“So, who do you like?” Harry asked, it felt like high school all over again.

“Hmm, I don’t know, who do you like?” I replied...

“Well, she’s very beautiful, but I don’t know how to tell her.”

“Just say I love you and I think you’re beautiful, that’s the dream way all the girls want it.”

“I love you and you’re beautiful.”

“Perfect! Now you can tell her!”

“Just did.”

“Bit cliché I swear I just read the same situation on smart phoned. You’re kidding right?”

“It’s a bit of the truth. Do you feel the same?”

My heart skipped a beat, so those songs, actually meant something to him? Did I like him back? Of course I did, I loved him, I always have, from the first time I watch the “What makes you beautiful” video when he had his solo with the girl. I wanted that, I wanted him to look at me like that. I loved him when he sang to me, I loved him when he gave me his jumper, I loved him when he told me his most embarrassing moment.

I love him.

“I love you too.”

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