22. Nandos

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Chapter Twenty-Two: Nandos

When we finally got away from the fans, I realised Niall actually texted someone asking for a security guard so we could actually go shopping. So we walked around to lots of shops, clearing out the ones we wanted to go into, most shops are for girls there but we went to places like surf shops and Cotton on, pretty boring places, but Niall kindly bought me some clothes, even though we got major discounts.

I bought a few t-shirts and dresses, and shorts, and a new colourful bikini, and he bought himself a couple of shirts and some new red boardies. When we finally got home – we got his guard to drive us to my car, and we stopped in and got some Nando’s to go and got home to find Britt and Harry on my couch, doing some sort video chat… 

“Niall and Meg! Come join us on Twitcam!”

“But I just got Nandos!” Niall frowned.  I guess he really was looking forward to eating this. But we went and sat down and waved at the camera.

“Who are we waving to?” I asked confused, there is no one on the other side?

“My twitter followers!” Harry laughed.

“Can I bring my Nandos?”

“Got any for me?”


“Then yes! Everyone meet the lovely Niall Horan and his beautiful girlfriend Meg!”

“How many is everyone?” I asked.

“About 80,000” Harry replied. I grabbed a chip and sat down stealing the computer.

“So can they talk back?” I asked.

“On the side!”

“Oh there it is… Hi, I love you,  Hi, hey I just met you and this is crazy, but here’s my number 04** *** *** so call me maybe? CAN WE CALL HER?!”

“Where’s your phone Niall?” Harry asked. Niall handed it to Harry stuffing his face with Nandos.

“Make sure you put it on private! I don’t want 50,000 odd calls.” Niall said between mouth fulls.

“It’s ringing!” I said putting it on speaker.


“Hey this is Meg!” All I could hear was a scream from the other end of the phone, so I moved the laptop and gave the phone to Harry.


“Oh My God Hi!!”

“What’s going on?”

“I think I just peed myself!!!”

“Okay handing the phone to Britt now.”

“So, you just peed yourself?”

“Hey! So you and Harry are official?”



“thank you, moving onto – Niall can you talk while eating?”

“You kidding I’ve become pro!”

“Hey babe!”

“Can I have some Nandos?”

“You’ll have to hurry it’s almost gone!” Britt handed it back to me.

“So, we better let you go before you get too excited and actually pee yourself! We love you bye!”

We spent the next hour or so talking to their fans and being idiots, and Niall officially ate everything from my cupboard, looks like I need to go shopping tomorrow. During the cam I made myself a twitter and pretty much got 70,000 instant followers… Niall made my first tweet, and it was “I love Niall and he is sexy.” How original. Later Niall and I went to bed leaving Harry and Britt where we left them and went to sleep.

The next morning I woke up and Niall was gone so I got up and had a shower chucked on a dress and walked out into the lounge room to find Britt sprawled on the couch watching tv.

“Where are the guys?”

“I sent them shopping for food.”

“Dude they won’t get any decent food they’ll just get junk!”

“I gave them a list of food they have to get before they get the junk.”


“And Niall said he left you something on your bed.”

“Thank you!” I walked off into my bedroom to find Niall had kindly left me a credit card and a note written in his messy handwriting.

Good morning beautiful,

Here’s a card for you and Britt to use and go shopping! Harry and I decided were going on a double date thing to some fancy restaurant so buy something pretty for the both of you! P.s you can keep the card and I’ll pay for it

I love you! Xoxox


“Hey Britt! Come here!”

“What! You interrupted Saturday Disney!” she joked. But we both know she really was watching kids shows, I saw it when I walked in. But seriously who doesn’t still watch kids shows every now and then?

“Look!” I watched her read it and her face lit up with excitement!

“We’re going shopping!!”

“Yep! Where should we go?”

“I don’t know where sells good dresses?”

“I don’t know… We could just go to town and walk around until we find a shop?”

“Deal! Now get in loser we’re going shopping- the boys took my car.” Britt flipped the piece of paper over, just call this number and your chauffer will come and pick you up and take you where ever!  

I called the guy while Britt got out of her Pyjamas and put on some classic 1D “Up all Night”

“I’m only thinking about this girl I’m seeing! I hope she’ll wanna kiss me back. Katy Perry’s on our plane. She’s on our plane.”


“Yeah bud!”

“It’s on replay…”

“No it’s on our plane!”

“I’ll Niall it!”

“Fine! You’ll be wrong”

To: Niall

Hey babe is it Katy Perry’s on our plane or on replay?


“How embarrassing when you get it wrong.”

From: Niall

Good morning beautiful, did you get my message? And it’s on replay, why?

“Hah! See! It’s on replay!”

Ring ring ring ring

“Hello?” Britt answered her phone

“Babe which one of you thought it was on our plane?!” Harry said laughing his ass off into the phone.


“Awwh babe, you’re so silly!”

“Awwh babe, you’re lucky you’re taking me out to dinner or I’d be expecting an apology. Love you! Ciao!”

Meanwhile, there’s me, on the floor, shitting myself laughing.

Yes I did thank you so much! See you when you get home! Don’t buy too much junk! I love you!

“Shut up!” Britt said feeling like a complete idiot.

From: Niall

Love you too xo

“Hah! The Chauffer has arrived!”

“Got the card?”

“Yes mum.” I replied sarcastically.  I jumped in, and could finally say; “Get in loser we’re going shopping!”

The guy closed the door behind us and got in.

“Hey, The names Bobby! Where too?” He asked.

“To town!” I laughed.

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