3. Touched by an Angel

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Chapter Three: Touched by an Angel

It turns out Niall can actually inhale Nandos, so he's won this round, I mean you can't win everything right? 

Now I was really wondering where we were going, I packed for every occasion, I hoped we're going somewhere with snow, it doesn't snow in Adelaide and I had always wanted to make snow balls and have a snow ball fight and make a snow man. Or maybe it could be somewhere hot and I could teach Niall how to surf, I wonder if he's natural or goofy... Personally I'm goofy, like a pro, and I would love to spend a month surfing with a hotty like Niall...

"So Niall..."

"So Megan.."

"You can all me Meg, and where are we going?"

"Oh, that is a surprise, we're flying in a private jet, and we're going to a very special place of mine."

"Is it very populated?" I'm not really a people person, I mostly keep to myself, so somewhere where there aren't many people would be amazing!

"No not at all, it's very beautiful there..."

He trailed off going red, he is so cute.

Niall's P.O.V

Meg was so beautiful! She was stunning, her eyes were a deep ocean blue, I had to keep looking away so I didn't get lost in them, and she had the most amazing body, and her lips are so beautiful and ugh! I just wanted to kiss her. 

I was taking her to a little island resort which had been hired out so that people won't know we were there and just take photos and interview us the whole time, I thought she'd love it there, there was a mountain only a few kilometers away with snow so we can go skiing but also a massive beach with beautiful white sand and beautiful waves, this island matched Meg exactly, I really wanted to get to know her.

"Hey Niall, look at that person over there, she has a One Direction T-shirt on and is singing "One thing!" I think she's busking, can we stop the Limo so I can give her some money?"

"Of course" I didn't know why she is doing this but she was so sweet for doing that for that girl, I really wanted to impress Meg, I wondered if I got out and sang with the girl she would be impressed?

Once I was out of the Limo Meg looked at me and Smiled and said "This girl went to my old school, she's blind so she can't see you, she used to come up to me every day and tell me that you were her favourite member, could you please come and talk to her?"

That was honestly the sweetest thing I have ever heard, now I know why meg got out and wanted to give the girl money, she is just full of heart.

"Hey beautiful, it's Niall here"  I said

"is it really? Meg is this really Niall?" the girl asked Meg.

"Yes Amber, isn't his accent amazing?" Meg answered.

"Yes! Niall you're my hero, you're different in you're group too and in your interviews you sound so nice and so innocent. I love you"

"Thank you beautiful, I love you too" I answered and hugged her, she was honestly the cutest girl. "Hey Amber, Meg and I have to go because we have places to be, but I'll sign your t-shirt for you for your mum to read to you when you get home okay?"

"Oh, Okay"

Dear Amber,

You are beautiful and special and don't let anyone else tell you differently, you have real talent with your singing, you should try out for x-factor one time, tell them I say hi yeah?

I love you

Niall Horan xoxo

"There you go Amber, I love you, bye!"

"Bye Niall, Bye Meg, I love you guys"

"I love you too Amber!" Meg replied with a laugh

"you know Niall, you really made that girls day, before One Direction were around Amber was almost suicidal. She came crying to me all the time telling me kids had been bullying her and telling her she's ugly. Then you guys came with your song "what makes you beautiful" and it really made her feel better about herself. Youu guys change lives Niall, you should be very proud." Meg said and kissed me on the cheek before she looked out the window of the Limo.

I can't believe people would bully Amber, she is so beautiful.

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