A Day Out

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Tommorow is Kodi's birthday. He's going to be six. I can't believe it. My baby brother is turning six! Today, we went out of town to celebrate. We went to a mall two hours away. We went to Books-A-Million, Game-Stop, and Hot Topic. Kodi didn't care where we went. I bought a few things. I got a Jack Skeleton pen that has a light! I also got a Slytherin necklace! And a MCR shirt! I was actually happy. I know. Unbelievable, right?
Anyway, I woke up this morning and I'm sick. Yet again. I was sick a few months ago and missed like a week of school. I wasn't feeling as bad as last time though. My mental health was being weird but no weirder than usual.
When we were in Hot Topic, I was having a horrible crisis. I loved everything. Before today, I have only been to Hot Topic once. I went with my mom and she bought me a pride hat. When I went today, there was so much! They had my anime, my bands, Harry Potter, and pride! There was a shirt that said " Gay? Bisexual? Transgender? Queer? Human ✔️" There was also tangtops of the Marauder Map and long sleeves of my house, Slytherin, that I wanted so badly! But it was $50. I didn't have enough money. I only had $35 when we went to Hot Topic because I spent $5 at Books-A-Million on the pen.

When we got home, I felt horrible. I took some medicine around 1:30 a.m. It took me a long time to fall asleep. I got out of bed like three times. The first time was because I got a bloody nose because of my sinuses. The second time was just to walk around since I wasn't tired. The third time was when I took medicine.

Another thing that happened today was Richelle talking to my dad. She told him that I needed to see the doctor. Not my mental doctor. My actual doctor. She wants to take me because I have been complaining since February that I have been having difficulty breathing. Recently, it has started hurting when I breath. Like today at the mall, I was covering my mouth and nose to block out the smell of the nail salon that was throughout the whole store. People were looking at me strange, but I ignored it.
To be honest, I'm an emotional wreck.

* To Be Continued*

So, an update that isn't completely depressing. Nice.

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