Weird Vibes

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                   Hey, an actual update!

Let's just get right to it.
I've been feeling weird. Really weird. Like ultra, mega, gouge my eyes out weird. Between paranoia, anxiety, depression, *cough* love *cough*, and me actually trying to become a happier and better person, I'm a wreck.
Let's start with today, it was raining earlier. Also I'm a really strange kid so I look out my window a lot. I noticed my shed. I looked out. It was normal. No big deal. I looked again. It was closer. Wait...what? I shut the blinds and looked out again a few seconds later. It was farther away. I looked again. Closer. Again. Normal. Close. Normal. Far. Close. Far. Normal. Close. Still close. Far. Close. Far again. Normal. Stop.
It's normal. No change anymore. I repeatedly tried again and again to see it. But no luck.
Also today, thumps from the bottom bunk. Yeah, you read that right. Thumps. I was sitting on my top bunk as usual watching YouTube and checking my social medias. Then, thump, thump, thump. Three times. Under me. At first, I thought it was Kodi. But then I corrected myself. There was no way it was Kodi. He was with Dad in the living room. So was Hayden. Ashley was at a friend's house. What were the thumps? I decided to check. I peeked under the top bunk at the bottom. Very slowly. I was practically hanging off the bed. Nothing was there. I pulled myself back up and made a bunch of scenarios in my mind.
Not weird enough for you? Fine. Let's talk about yesterday. Yesterday morning, I wake up. I sit up and get on my phone. Something catches my attention. Out of the corner of my eye, I see something white. I look over. A cotton ball fell off of Ashley's dresser. So what? A cotton ball? The cotton balls were against the wall. About 8 inches from the edge of the dresser. Coincidence? Later that day, I get on my top bunk. I don't have a ladder. I've had bunk beds for most of my life. I climbed on them like they were playgrounds. I use my desk as a boost. I put my foot on it and stand up. Then I get on my bed. I'm up on my bunk and what happens? My sister's cup falls off my desk with a thud. I stared for a moment. I forced myself to stop and look away.
Let's talk about the past week, I have barely been able to sleep. It's not that I'm not tired. I am, believe me. But I've been paranoid. I have this weird feeling of energy. It's not a good, pleasant feeling. Thoughts flood my brain. Thoughts that aren't mine.
They're waiting for you to put your guard down so they can kill you!
They're waiting for you to give in to vulnerability!
Stay awake! They're watching!
Don't you dare close your eyes! They're waiting!
There was this one, kind, soft thought.
Just stay awake until sunrise. Sun out powers shadows.
This thought oddly calms me. I wait out sunrise. Then I lay down and fall into a peaceful sleep. This continues for a couple nights but after so long, drowsiness wins. I fall asleep around 10 o'clock. I wake up the next morning in a panic. I don't know what's wrong but something is.
You fell asleep before sunrise!
What if you're possessed?!
They won! You let them win!
Then the calm, soft thought.
It's not your fault. They tricked you.
It took me a while to catch my breath. With the help of the calm voice. Why? Why these thoughts? Why is this happening?
I have been hallucinating. The noises stopped. That terrifies me. I'd rather have noises than sights. Am I going insane?
My body has been tense. My limbs are twitching. I've been stumbling over nothing. I have lost motivation. I haven't been dizzy or had any headaches recently. Which frightens me even more since I usually have them daily. What concerned meost is that I wasn't scared when it happened. I was just curious. That isn't like me.
Is there something wrong with me?
I frantically search for similar experiences. I found this one sight. I don't even know what it's called. But there was a test. For something. I took it and it said that they'll get back to me within 24 hours.
That night, right before I was about to sleep, I got a notification. I got an email. From the sight. I opened it.
My child, we have thoroughly examined your case. Despite what you may believe, you are not going crazy! Your psycic abilities are reawakening!
Okay, what?!
* Next part soon.*

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