A/N Hi guys

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So, I'm still grounded.
I've been getting my phone back temporarily but I haven't updated.
Life is stressful.
But in other words, I'm trying out for Winter Guard next week and I hope I don't fuck up too much.
Honestly, they might just tell me to leave and never return after the first day of tryouts.
But I'm not giving up all hope.
" Richelle's" sister did it in highschool and she said she's willing to let me practice with her flag.
But I can't get it until next weekend.
Then tryouts will be over.
I don't even know when I'll find out if I'm in.
I hope my friends are in.
I'd be extremely lost without them.
I mean, yeah. I have other friends there, but I don't know them. Like at all.
Art club has been fun.
My biology teacher is actually getting nicer and she's actually really funny ( and such a big mood ).
Like today, we had a pep rally.
She did a thing with the teachers and she had to pop one of the confetti things.
Before we left, she put it up to her head, said " Put me out of my misery already", and pretended to shoot herself.
If that isn't me, I don't know what is.
She actual is getting a lot nicer and funnier with our class.
She laughs a lot with us.
( I'm in a class with a bunch of bad kids and she calls the like 7 boys in our class her Freshmen Lost Boys and, as she says to the rest of the freshmen, " poor, lost little freshmen who can't even answer a problem" )
She doesn't have a lot of fun with her classes because she has mainly Seniors and Juniors.
And they fucking suck.
( Sorry guys )
But anyway, I'm done ranting.
Talk to you all soon, my little turtles

Talk to you all soon, my little turtles

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( Peep my fanart )

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