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Me: Hey.
       I'm sorry.

She hasn't replied. Is she mad at me? Did I do something? I definitely did something. But what? Oh my god, this isn't happening. Is she okay? Did something happen to her? Oh my fuck, what did I do? How can I fix this? I can fix anything. I just need to think. Okay, okay... Just think... Just think. I have to be able to fix this. Wendy can't be upset. I can't be the one who made her upset. She needs to be happy. I have to fix this. What can I do? What can I do?
This is all my fault... I don't talk to her enough. She thinks I'm ignoring her. Which I am but not because of her. It's me. My mental health is going back down the hill and I don't want anyone I care about in the line of fire. That's why I don't like getting close to people. They always end up getting hurt. And it's all my fault. All because of my goddamn problems. Why does life fucking hate me? What did I ever do to you, life? You know what? Fuck you, life. You're the reason I don't trust people. You're the reason people don't trust me. You're the reason I can't be happy and have friends and have a nice family.
Just one happy day would make me feel like maybe life isn't that bad. Maybe I have a chance. But I don't. I never did.
To all my friends, I'm sorry for making your lives horrible. I'm sorry for causing you so many problems. If I were you, I'd do the smart thing and drop me before I can cause anymore harm.

Just...just one happy day.

* To be continued*

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