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My day was pretty much the same as usual. Except two things.

So Jace's girlfriend, Daniella, is just a straight up asshole. She keeps kissing him. She's very clingy. And I mean, she's even clingier than my kitten. Plus, I guess she thinks we're competing for Jace. Everyday, whoever gets to the seat next to Jace first gets to sit there. Wait a second. Let me clarify a little more. Whoever gets to my seat that I've sat in daily prior to like a month ago. Daniella thinks it's a fucking joke and has the fucking nerve to say I'm the one that's clingy. Which being completely honest, yes, I can get really jealous at times. I know when I'm being replaced and Daniella is trying to replace me. Me and Daniella argue a lot. We just insult each other until the other gives up put of the tiredness of hearing the other's voice.
Today, Daniella kissed Jace in the hallway as usual, but this time, I saw it. When we left Jace, I told him that my innocent eyes didn't need to see that disgusting shit and he said he didn't care. I was trying to hit Daniella with a golf ball but I kept missing. She's just a dumbass, ignorant, rude, clingy bitch and everyone's getting tired of it. Including Jace.

Also, my sister Ashley goes to church. She came home today and ran into our room. " Connie, guess what?" She asked. " What?" I asked. " You know how pastor Eric said that God wouldn't love you for being LGBT?" I nodded. " Well, our pastor said that God loves everyone no matter what and pastor Eric lied to you. He asked why you wouldn't come and I said it was because of him and he told me all that stuff. He said he really wants to meet you and he will make sure that no one treats you any differently because of who you love or what you identify as." I was frozen. I was also smiling like an idiot. I've been considering going to youth with my sister.
If I'm being honest again, then pastor Eric is kinda the reason why I'm not Christian. He said I was an abomination and God would send me straight to hell. This terrified me. I slowly strayed farther and farther from faith. I don't even know what that word is anymore. But for some reason, I believe that Ashley's pastor could help me. Not just with " faith", but I think he could make me a better person and he could maybe make me feel better about myself.

Maybe I'm not an atheist.

* To be continued*

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