A/N Rant

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Fucking goddamn dumbass life.
Life is a cunt ass bitch.

Firstly, I am sick ( AGAIN). Also, my breathing problems are getting worse because I live in FLORIDA and I can't breathe in HUMIDITY and it's almost FUCKING SUMMER and I have to wait to see a doctor. On top of that, I am a transguy and I am currently having female "problems" ( if you know what I mean). AND SINCE LIFE JUST FUCKING HATES ME, "Guy" has a MOTHER FUCKING GIRLFRIEND! We were in language arts and this bitch says that he's dating this girl that he's been talking to for like a week. And I'm just over here like YOU MOTHER FUCKING DICK! I'm not even sad, I'm just pissed. I'm gonna stop liking him ( let me rephrase that, I will try to stop liking him) and I'm gonna hope that whoever the hell he is with knows that he can be an asshole and he's honestly fucking annoying as hell. Why did/do I like him? I don't fucking know. Probably because I'm lonely and he seemed to have pretty low standards so I figured I might have a chance.

You know what? Fuck love. Fuck life. Life's a bitch. All you need is you because everyone else ( except maybe close friends) fucking sucks. Maybe they suck dick or maybe they just suck in general. But that doesn't matter because you are all you need. You're a mother fucking queen and you don't need no man or woman.

Join us next time for another boring fucking rant of how bad my life is!

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