Weird Vibes Pt. 2

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A/N - After Pt. 1, my rankings went way down. I completely forgot that I even posted that part. I reread it and I decided to update. If you don't believe me or don't care, then ignore this update.

No noises. No voices. No sleep problems. Nothing. Nothing but hallucinating.
I haven't heard any more voices or anything. But every now and then, I'll see a weird shadow or something fall randomly.
I talked to a few of my online friends and they said that I might have been paranoid because of Momo.
Now if you don't know what Momo is, I would suggest not looking it up.
Momo is sculpture in Tokyo that is frequently criticized for being both hideous and terrifying.
Momo blew up not that long ago after a Facebook user shared it. Numbers that claim to be Momo's are contacted by people and the number tells the person information that only they would know. Most believe that it's hackers but some believe Momo is haunted and it's her spirit getting revenge of her criticizers.
Some of my friends shared some Momo things in our group chat and I can never forget her face.
The first thing I saw of her was an edit. It started with a cute and happy anime girl and then it changed to Momo. I was frozen. I was horrified. I was so horrified that I didn't even scream, which I usually scream like a toddler when I'm scared.
A YouTuber I watch, JayStation, has posted Momo videos. He says that she is stalking him.
I honestly have my doubts but I also believe Jay.
A lot of people have commented on his videos talking about how people are doing studies on Momo.
The studies show that Momo has inflicted fear on almost everyone who has seen her. People have gotten horrible anxiety from just the picture of her and she has even caused sleep paralysis. It is also said that she can cause hallucinations and delusions.
My friends said that, them knowing how I am, I was probably paranoid from that she devil.
It makes sense.
Someone dared me to stare into her eyes for a minute. I looked into her eyes for five seconds and I got dizzy.
It may have also been from other things I watch. I'm a very paranoid, jumpy person. That happens to watch at least seven scary videos a day. Why? I don't know. Maybe I just like torturing myself.
I honestly have no idea.

My next update will most likely be after I start highschool on Monday.
Maybe today after I meet my teachers.
I don't know.
But I will update again soon.

*To be continued*

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