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Most of you are probably going to see me as a self centered person who wants to be best but I really don't care.
Just YESTERDAY, this story was 16 out of 648, 67 out of 2k, and 44 out of 931 in different tags. Now I'm at 410 out of 685 and 640 out of 929.
How have I dropped this low? Seriously? It's because of my last post, isn't it?
Well I'm sorry if you don't believe that kind of stuff. I wrote about stuff that is currently going on. I am sorry if you don't like it.
All of you are going to tell me " oh, it's fine! don't worry!" But no. I am worrying. I have to be on top. I have to. I have to prove myself. To everyone. I'm not just the quiet, mental kid who can't deal with their problems. I'm more than that. I know I'm not a good writer or artist or the smartest kid. I'm just me. I have to prove that I can be more than just me. I'm pathetic. I can't be pathetic.
If I am the best, everyone notices. My friends, my peers, my parents. If I prove myself to my parents, they'll be proud of me. I don't know what it's like for someone to be proud of me. I want to know what that feels like. If I'm on top, they'll be proud. Everyone will. If they're proud, I can have pride in myself and I'll be more confident. But I can't do that without being the best.
I've had so much going on. I just need to be on top. I can tell my dad. No. I'll tell my mom. She's always understood. She'll be proud of me. I guess she kind of always been proud of me. She tells me that I'm a talented artist. But I need more than that. My mom can give me that.
Whenever I talk to her about these things, she always talks to me. Not like my dad does where he just says anything. My mom actually talks to me. She gets it.
I'm going to stop ranting because I'm getting tired.
Another update coming soon.
* To be continued*

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