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I've probably mentioned this before, but I'll say it again. I have anger issues. Sometimes I'll just lash out for no reason other than I was just irritated. A great example of this just happened.
Hayden came running into my room screaming. " Dad said to get a jug and fill it up with water now!" He yelled from the doorway. I glared at him. " Maybe I will. If you don't talk to me like a slave." I replied coldly. " Dad said now! Move!" He screamed. " I said no!" I refuted. " Now!" " Listen here, little boy! I'm not your damn slave!" " Now!" He yelled before running out. I jumped up and ran into the kitchen. Hayden was in there taking his ADHD pills. I kicked him hard in the thigh. " Ow!" He screeched. I went outside and asked my dad what he needed. He said nevermind but Richelle told me to come there. I did and she started yelling at me. " What'd you do to Hayden?" " I kicked him" I responded flatly. " We have told you multiple times to stop! You have fucking anger issues that need to be stopped! Your setting a bad example for your brothers and sister!"" Well it's not like I had anyone to teach me otherwise!" I screamed. She glared at me. I could tell she was trying not to strangle me. My dad wasn't paying attention. He was on his phone. " Do I need to get Miss Holly to talk to you?" She asked. " No! I thought you already made me an appointment anyway." " Miss Holly said you were doing good. So she didn't want to see you anymore." I laughed. Richelle looked at me strange. " I'm going inside." I went inside laughing. Richelle didn't come and talk to me. I wasn't expecting her to care. I spent the next hour or so ranting to whoever would listen. Huh, life sucks.

* To be continued*

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