5. The Ringing of An Old Bell (Harsh)

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My job for the morning had been making sure the employees were all in their assigned posts on time and that there were no glitches at the Fair. However, what I didn't expect, was to finish quickly. I could see that the pep talk we gave the team before dispersing them yesterday evening had worked, but I suppose we do have a chirpy lot of young blood to work with. Needless to say, I had finished early and had been waiting for my not-so-little-anymore sister to drive us home.

As I stood in the shade of a tree lining the perimeter of the parking lot of my local convention center, my mind circled back to Deeksha. Sure, I was waiting for her just then; but my concern for her had been occupying a good part of my daily dose of worry, especially off late. Of course, it was nothing serious - Ma and Papa would never let that be.... but it is just that being an elder brother comes with its own set of worries.

I couldn't help but smile as a memory of an eleven year old Deeksha climbing a tree near the very edge of our farm, to save a little kitten stuck on it flashed into my mind. Headstrong and determined from the very beginning, though I'd always wanted a little brother, she's never made me miss having one. From a stubborn but happy baby I'd held in my hands for the first time many, many years ago, I couldn't wonder in awe at the woman she'd grown to become. No wonder Ma's friends had begun making enquiries about her status. Though I hated them wholeheartedly, they were Ma's friends - so I could do little when they went around making matches for all "young adults" as they called us!

Not realizing that Dee had been walking toward me for the past five minutes when I zoned back into reality, I couldn't help but think "Wow - I now I see why so many of my friends always want to come home! Dee is rather striking in her own way. The chubby bunny is all grown up now!" But of course, this thought was a secret I would rather carry to the grave with me - than ever admit to her face!

"Quit gaping at me open mouthed, peasant!" She said, when I was within earshot. The arrogant little schmuck! I chuckled and played along saying, "My humble apologies, Princess Chubby Bunny!"

"Hey! Watch it, OK?" She said, her voice acerbic; but deep down... yup, she was still acerbic. Before she got upset for real though, I quickly made up by saying "Okay... I call truce until we reach home." With a huff, she unlocked the car and scrambled into the driver's seat, not waiting for me - at all!

Two full minutes had passed and we were still in the car; but Dee had neither said anything and nor did she show any signs of her intention to get home. "Dee, come on now?", I said in my most persuasive tone, "I called truce, remember?"

"I need you to make it up to me," She said, after a thought. "Okay; anything reasonable," I said in return.

"I need you to list out the names of all your friends from high school... the ones who've come to our house on more than one occasion", was her astounding order.

"What the hell, Dee? Are you mad?" I retorted. How in the world was I supposed to remember that? "What is Wrong with you?!", I exclaimed, nearing certainty that my little one was probably - no, surely - going insane!

"Are you going to tell me the names or not?", Dee demanded. "But I can't remember names like that! You know it too!!" I nearly screamed. After pausing for a moment though, I went on, "Okay... narrow it down a little bit."

I could read Dee like an open book, and at that moment, I could see the gears in her head churning. Not before long, "Hmmm.... let's see. I remember most of the people who turned up for your Farewell party. Tell me the names of people who didn't..", said Dee. While that narrowed down the search to a very limited set, I wasn't too sure.

Nonetheless, ten minutes and twelve names later, Dee was nowhere closer to finding her answer than I was. Finally, when I asked her why the sudden interest in my school friends, out poured her story of an encounter with someone at the Start Up Fair. When she finished recounting the whole episode, however, one name flashed in my head

A name I hadn't heard; or even though of - in nine long years. The name of Devendra, a k a Dev Sanghvi.



Does Harsh Bhalla's car look gooooddd or what? Hahaha!!  For those who don't know, it's an Audi A4. Look it up!

Since this is an Indian story, you are definitely gonna be seeing a lot of Indian actors and cast. No hating okay? 

(No - 100% of the cast is not Indian - I'm just being Indian where I can.)

Okssiiess - Bye!

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