20. The More Things Change, The More They Stay The Same (Nair)

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"Smitha.. Did you notice the way Deven was looking at Deeksha?", I asked as I sat in my office when she came in to take the accounts ledger. "You and your match-making can't seem to rest no?", she asked, laughing, "But you are right. I don't think this is the first time they have met each other."

"There is no one at the cash desk. Will you come?", Smitha asked me and getting up from my chair, I followed her. Reaching the desk, I threw a glance at the table Deeksha had walked towards earlier and saw her saying something angrily at Deven. Just then, some of the customers came to the cash desk to clear their bill and I had to attend to them. By the time I had finished and looked back in Deven's direction, he was alone, looking disturbed and Deeksha was nowhere to be seen.

Now genuinely concerned, I told Smitha "Njaan Ippo Varam." (Malayalam: I'll be back soon), I walked up from behind Deven and placed my hand on his shoulder. He looked up at me and I saw a face I was not used to seeing Deven wear. It was creased with worry and uncertainty.

"What happened? I saw Deeksha talking to you angrily five minutes ago. Is everything okay, Mone* ?" I asked. "I don't know, Uncle. I was talking to her and I told her in a very practical manner that if there are any obstacles that prevent us from working together, she should think them through properly. Also that if we happen to not match in our style of working, one of us should step down from the job before it is too late."

I had to laugh to myself as realization dawned one about what transpired between Deeksha and Deven. "Knowing you, those wouldn't have been the words or tone you used", I said and Deven grunted. "I was just trying to be straight and professional. I didn't think it would make her angry!" he complained.

"Deven – you're a sensible boy. So, listen to me. This was a very blunt thing to say – especially at a first meeting. That too, you need to remember that she is a fresher. She has not done any of this before. She is not used to the directness with which the business world works. So, it is likely that she misunderstood what you said." I explained.

"Hmmm," said Deven, taking a sip of his coffee. "Anyway, where is she now?" I asked, more out of curiosity and concern than anything else. "She said she wants to look around the café so that she has an idea of what we are working with. But I don't know where she went," Deven replied defensively.

"Okay. So... she was offended by something you said. Even if you didn't mean it that way. When you see her next, ask for a chance to explain yourself and apologise for unintentionally getting her upset", I told Deven. "But I didn't do anything wrong!!" he exclaimed. "I know. Mone*. But you need to do this for yourself. Not for her. Okay?" Clearly with no defence, Deven nodded and I knew I had to find her before my boy changed his mind.

Walking back to the counter, Smitha glared at me for a couple of minutes while walking in and out of the kitchen with various cakes and pies in her hand. "Smithe#, I need you to make a nice cup of hot chocolate," I said. But when she looked at me quizzically, I explained what had happened. Giggling to herself, Smitha set to work as I decided to walk around the café to find Deeksha.

Sure enough, I found her at the other end of the café, perched on a bar-stool looking out of the window, out of Deven's line of sight, scribbling furiously into a notebook. When I got back, Smitha told me, "Two more minutes" as I thought of a plan for Deven.

When Smitha walked up to me with a tray holding a plate of cookies and a hot chocolate, I was proud of my wife's thoughtfulness in having drawn a smile on the drink with chocolate syrup. If this didn't help Deven, not much else would. "Take the sticker notes and tell him to write something also", she told me in a low voice indicating the sticky-notes lying in the cash draw. "Brilliant" I told her as she handed me the tray and placed the notes and a marker on it. "Just like Priya and Raj" I heard Smitha say as I walked away.

Walking up to Deven with all the said articles, he looked at me like a lost puppy when I said, "All you need now, is to use your charm", before explaining my plan to him.


Hey Evi Oneeee!!! 

How did you like the ever-so-scheming Mr and Mrs Nair? 

For my non-Indian readers, here is what *Mone means: Son (Malayalam).

#Also, in Malayalam, when you address a person who's name ends in the letter a or the phonetic pronunciation of  'ah', you always turn the last vowel into an 'ae' sound. For instance, if the name of the person is Rita and you want to call her directly, you say "Rite"  (Prn: ree-taeh). This is why Nair Uncle addresses Aunty as Smithe there :D new piece of info? You're welcome.

Do you think Deven will be able to win back Deeksha's good graces? Or will this be a failed plan?

Who are the Raj and Priya Mrs Nair spoke about? 

The image shows Deeksha's scribbles in anger. Before she began, that is. :P

To know how the story turns, stay tuned!! :D 

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