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11. 2 birds one stone
Special Agent Fenty
'Rihanna Forde'


Suspense was killing me as far as communication went that was null and void. The minute we parked Chris wasted no time to hop out, I did so too following behind him. The door was open and several eyes landed on us the second we walked in.

The pair of eyes that stood out the most were the ones of the lady who stood beside Timothy. It was obvious she was fearful of her life as she stood as closely as possible to her husband. I closed the door behind me, making my way up closer to the group.

I watched as Quincy got Chris a bottle of Ciroc which he popped turning it to his head as if it were water then took a rolled blunt from Quavo taking several draws. I hated seeing this side of him, I knew it was about to get bloody in a matter of minutes. It's the second time I've seen him drinking, the first time resulted in the death of someone who betrayed him, was this his ritual?

"I have two things I'd like to address" He said breaking my the silence. I'm pretty sure whatever was in that blunt was already creeping up on him.

"First of all" With one quick motion he drew the gun from Quincy's side pulling the trigger three times on one of his men. He fell without even a cry, never aware of his own end. One minute he was expecting to see the outcome of Timothy and the next he was gone, dispatched.

"He failed the phone search, I hate sneaky business don't fuck with me" He said as he stood above the body watching as the man bled out until his eyes were fallen shut. The facial expression Chris wore was one that was hard to read. Does these things play on his conscience? Or is it that's why he smokes or drink before killing someone close to him, in that sense his mind would not be here.

Quavo and Biggs rushed to his side picking up the body as they pulled it away. I couldn't help but to think that could've been me. He never hesitates or think twice before he pulls the trigger, that man could've been apart of his crew for years but that didn't matter to him, if you slip, you'll slide.

The room remained silent, Timothy and his wife looked terrified and I didn't blame them. "My boy Timmy" Chris laughed giving him a hug as he awkwardly stood still probably unsure of what to do.

"You know I mean you no harm, why did you run? I came to the brunch which I hated. Being around a bunch of people who thinks they're in love makes me sick but I still showed up just to exchange a couple words with you" The tone of his voice was casual, almost as if he were having a conversation with his bestfriend.

"I-I-I" He stuttered, "please don't kill us"

"I wasn't planing to even if you had disagreed again, I still wouldn't kill you" He answered with a smile as he took couple steps walking around them until he stood beside his wife. That sounded a bit too good to be true, but it made sense since Timothy was the only person who could help him. I wanted to find a way to take him and his wife into our protection program but what's on the chip is valuable intel, I wouldn't even dream of stealing it because there was a slim chance of me escaping alive.

"Thank you" He said with a shaky voice.

"You really think I'd kill you, dude you're tripping!" Chris laughed causing Timothy to join in as they both joked it out.

UNAPOLOGETIC | Chris Brown | Rihanna  (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now