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31. On the Run II
Robyn Fenty


Chris was peacefully asleep, I was beyond elated this worked. I couldn't leave with anything much apart from a mini dress an extra underwear and a handbag full of cash. If I were to carry more than that I know for sure someone would call me out. They didn't know that I knew their evil plan so exiting the house wasn't as hard I thought, especially after giving off the impression that I was going to the grocery store.

In which I did, I drove to the closest grocery store which was an extreme sport, the grey clouds finally burst as showers of rain came pouring down suddenly. There's no way I could continue, either way I had to leave the car so in the parking lot and boarded a taxi. All of his vehicles have a tracker on it, even the one he got me so there was no way I'd make that slip up.

"There's a chance we won't make it to the airport" The driver informed me as he turned the radio up. Turns out we were experiencing a little storm and it was just my luck that no flights were entering or leaving until the weather clears up.

"Take me to best motel you know of" I said to him feeling a bit defeated, I didn't need this hold up right now.

I tried calling Perry but of course his cell was off. I was concerned about his safety but I guess I had no choice but to focus on myself. I could barely see outside of the window but after several seconds of straining my eyes the lit up sign displayed: Home away from home

It wasn't the five stars I got so used to but this could work until the rain stops. I made sure to take the Cab driver's number since who knows how hard it would be to get a taxi to leave this place and I had no time to waste. He escorted me inside with his umbrella before leaving, if he were an Uber driver he would've gotten the highest ratings just now.

Inside the lobby was small, behind the desk sat a woman smiling as I approached her. I could tell this was no "chocolate on the pillow" place. The receptionist area smelled of stale perfume and the tables had ashtrays instead of flowers. It was dingy, dark and cheap. Just Perfect. If this was the best motel, I wouldn't want to see the worst. I kept my glasses on and said nothing as the room key was dropped into the lines of my hand after handing in the money.

Room 12A to my surprise, it was actually a little bit better than I imagined, it had a much fresher scent and gave off a cozy feeling. Immediately I did my routine, which was to stop for five whole minutes and listen. Close the curtains. Check under the bed then the cabinets and bathroom for toiletries. Then go through the closets and drawers, it was until that was done I'd feel truly safe. It bugs me that there was no special escape routine, however I did have a view of the parking lot if that was any good.

I searched for my phone trying Perry again to no avail it was then I decided to destroy my SIM card to stop any tracking. I sat on the bed thinking, How did I get here, I gave up my perfectly good life for this complete mess. My head was throbbing from all this thinking and frustration that took over. When the frustration builds and I think I might explode - I take a deep breath. I want to shout, have a tantrum and beat my hands on the ground like a toddler. I want to vent, let it out but for right now I tried to keep it together.

I scrolled through my gallery looking at the few pictures I had of us. I wasn't sad but I was angry that I was this stupid. I fell in love with someone who was incapable of love

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