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  19. The Chosen Alliance
Special Agent Fenty
'Rihanna Forde'

 The Chosen Alliance  Special Agent Fenty'Rihanna Forde'

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"What's happening?" I asked as everyone moved busily, I felt so lost and confused almost as if I was speaking to thin air. No one stopped to acknowledge me, my words fell on deaf ears leaving me further in the dark.

The house was a chaos as everyone continued to move about frantically. Legs moved swift as lightning carrying out big black bags and suitcases, Chris was not speaking to me and he was no where in sight which explains why I'm in such predicament. Last night I waited in my room in vain, I mentally prepared myself and was ready to come clean with everything then beg for his forgiveness but he was a no show, now this morning I woke up to this madness.

"You need to pack" Trey said as I got a hold of him since he was moving about just as busily as everyone else. "Chris has a mole in the police department apparently he got a call not too long ago that the FBI are on their way and they need back up to come here. Go gather your things we are leaving now!"

The fear travelled in my veins but never made it to my facial muscles or skin. I couldn't believe Sierra would do this to me, the one time I hoped she would just chill. She's always trying to play captain save the day, but this was my fault. I should've never said anything to her since I know she enjoys playing that motherly always wants to do the thing role as well. I got Chris into this mess and I'll die getting him out of it.

"Is the scrambler on?" He looked at me weirdly probably wondering how I know what that is, but that was beyond the point. If that's on then it will interfere with the signal in my bug preventing them from hearing. If it was off then they'd be able to hear everything but I didn't care since it wouldn't matter with the plan I have up my sleeve.

"Yes, it was turned on to prevent them from hacking into our phones to track us or even listen those motherfuckers are slick" He confirmed, I shook my head which was good knowing my bug was off no use and technically I just woke so my contacts weren't in.

"Where's Chris I have an idea, it'll save us all" I informed him.

"Well you have to make it quick, I'll take you to him since he's in one of the secret rooms. You'd never find him on your own c'mon" He replied then walked off, my feet moved briskly behind him trying to keep up with his swiftness.

"Are you already packed?"

"Yes, when you're done with Chris you have to get that over with quickly as well" He instructed, I found it weird how no one said anything to me. What if I didn't wake up in time? I'd probably wake up to an empty house with Riley and Sierra staring in my face.

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