Holding it together

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Hanna took deep breaths through out the next few days. She kept her head down and ignored the staring, focusing on her work helped her keep it together. Teach the students, save the patients and make it home alive. Each day the same. Slow, painfully slow. Repetitive and safe. Surgery is a lot like this. Certain injuries need certain approaches and they rarely change. Well, that is until the next trauma comes in.

"Dr. O'Reily?" Murphy said cautiously as she stood a couple of feet back, "your father is here to see you."

"Can he wait Leah?" Hanna asked looking up from her chart briefly.

"He said that it was urgent," Leah said with a weak smile.

"Okay, thank you Leah," Hanna said putting the chart down on the desk and following Leah.


Hanna entered the conference room to find the majority of her family sitting around the table.

"Leah, you said father," Hanna said turning round as she tried to leave, "not my entire family."

"Sit down Hanny," her sister said in a solemn tone.

Hanna frowned at their weird behaviour and slowly sat down at the head of the table as Leah left.

"Now Hanna hunny," he father said leaning across the table to hold hands with his daughter, "I want you to know that we've known for a little bit so, don't be mad because--"

"I'm fine," she blurted out, stopping him mid-sentence, "nothing is wrong, I'm grieving like a normal person."

"We know Hanna, just let him explain," her sister said with a sympathetic expression.

"We knew that you were fragile so we kept it quiet for a while," he explained, "we didn't want to make things worse so we waited."

"Daddy spit it out," Hanna snapped getting scared by their behaviour now.

"It's your mother," he said quickly, "she's sick, we would have given you more time to grieve your friend but, her doctor said she's not gonna make it through the week and I couldn't let you lose your mother without saying goodbye."

"No, no, no," Hanna said shaking her head and getting up from the table  "this is not happening. I can't lose another person. I won't."

Extremely upset, Hanna stormed out of the room and down to the attendings lounge. Tears stream down her face as she smashed the pottery and hit the table. She screamed and she cried until Amelia came in and almost tackled her to the ground to that she wouldn't hurt herself or anyone else. Then they just sat as Hanna's life fell apart once again.

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