Home please

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Finally, after a long hard day of medicine at the hospital, Hanna sat down on a chair for the first time all day. She let out a deep breath and leaned back in the seat behind the nurses station. As she sat there waiting either for something interesting to happen or for her shift to end, Amelia Shepherd came around the corner.

"Hey you," she said putting her tablet back in its slot and leaning over the desk.

"Hi," Hanna smiled, clearly tired.

"You look like you need caffeine," Amelia chuckled as she looked down at her droopy eyed friend.

"No, then I wouldn't be able to sleep when I get home," Hanna said looking like she's about to fall asleep.

"Your shift over?" Amelia asked.

"About twenty minutes ago," Hanna smiled rubbing her eyes.

"Then what are you still doing here?" Amelia said reaching over the desk to try and push Hanna but she couldn't reach, "go home."

"I'm leaving," Hanna said getting up and walking away from Amelia, "I'm gone."


After she had changed out of her scrubs and grabbed her stuff, Hanna spotted Leah Murphy in the lobby.

"Hi," Hanna smiled as she walked up to Leah.

"Oh hi," Leah said happily as she turned around to face Hanna.

"I'm heading home," Hanan told her with a slight smirk, "you wanna come with me?"

"My shift ends in about half an hour," Leah said readjusting Hanna's coat, "I'll text you when I'm on my way."

"Alright," Hanna smiled as she opened the door to the outside world, "I'll meet you there."

Dr. O'Reilly walked out the door and to her car across the parking lot. The drive home was pretty uneventful except for the last few minutes.

The car wheels rolled down the street and towards Hanna's parking space. She must have lost focus for a couple of seconds because when she regained it the car was heading straight for the tree on the pavement. Quickly, Hanna slammed on the breaks causing her head to come forwards and collide with the steering wheel. She let out a groan as she lifted her head up. Luckily, nothing was really damaged, the tree or the car. Slowly this time, Hanna parked the car and got out to check the front of the car. There was a little scratch on the bonnet. She sighed as she traced the little silver line with her finger, as she did so she could feel something fall on her eyelid. Hanna picked up her hand and wiped it off, bringing down her hand to see what it was, she saw blood on the tips of her fingers.

"Shit," she breathed, she must have ripped the skin when her head hit the steering wheel.

Not so tired anymore, Hanna grabbed her bag out of the passenger side and walked into her house.

"What happened to your head Miss Goldson?" Benjamin asked as she came up the stairs.

"It's still O'Reilly Benjamin," Hanna told him as he hurried over to her.

"I don't think I'm ever going to get that one one hundred percent right all the time, you will always be young Miss Goldson to me," he said gently as he examined the cut on Hanna's head, "let me get the first aid kit.

"Thank you Benjamin," Hanna said softly as she followed him to the kitchen and sat on one of the stools that were along the counter.

Benjamin cleaned the injury and stuck paper stitches to it to close it.

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