Yeah but?

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With a broad smile Dr. Hanna O'Reilly walked into the attendings lounge. Cheerfully, she took off her scrub top and threw it out. As she took her own t-shirt out of her bag best friend Amelia Shepherd walked into the room.

"Hey," Hanna said happily pulling on her shirt, "I haven't done a surgery in months and now I feel like and intern cracked out on some simple surgery but, it's okay because I got to save someone."

"Most surgeons would say cut something, I would say cut something," Amelia chuckled, "but you and your soldier heart of gold keep on being the better person."

Hanna smiled sweetly making sure to look as innocent as possible.

"Right yeah but about you and Jackson," Amelia said as she got changed out of her scrubs as well, "I was gonna ask you earlier but then, surgery so you and Jackson?"

Hanna gave a slight smile and walked quickly out of the attendings lounge with her bag and coat in hand, "he texted me about the ring." She said quickly as she left the room.

"He texted?" Amelia asked hurriedly following her friend down the hall, "about an engagement ring?"

"I know I expected a call," Hanna said jokingly.

"Or maybe even him coming to find you," Amelia said sarcastically.

"Oh no that's a bit far," Hanna said doing her best to sound serious, "it's not like its a big life event or anything."

"Oh no just your marriage," Amelia said rolling her eyes, "but anyway what did he say?"

"He said 'hey I've still got the ring if you want it'," Hanna told her as they walked into the elevator.

"Did you text back?" Amelia asked eager to know what happened.


"Well, what did you say?" She asked clawing for answers.

"I told him he could keep it," Hanna smiled a little proud of herself for her response.

"Well that is quite the hint," Amelia said nodded her head as if to say 'fair play'.

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