8. Swing-Sets and Skills

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Tuesday 17th July

I woke up the next day to Shaniah peering over me, nudging me every other second.
"Wakey wakey sleepy head," She cooed, smiling down at me. I noticed that she was wearing one of Isaac's shirts that merely fell at her upper thigh.
I groaned as I sat up, opening my eyes wider to adjust to the light.
Nate's bed was empty. I thought back to the night before, and how we had practically fought for the bed that I was on. I obviously knew that he let me win because he was much stronger than I was.

I was a mere foot away from leaping onto the bed when Nate's arms wrapped around my waist and pulled me back. I squirmed in his grasp, and he used this opportunity to shuffle towards the bed while holding me captive.
I elbowed him in his stomach and he let me go instantly. I lunged for the bed, but Nate-although clutching his stomach lunged as well. We landed the same time, Nate's leg kicking out accidentally as he landed, contacting my face.
"Oh shit! Sorry, Lex. Hey! Actually, I retract my apology. At least mine was an accident. I think you elbowed my stomach out of place,"
I let out a fit of giggles at this and Nate paused, narrowing his eyes at me.
"Oh, so that's funny?"
Before I knew it, he launched himself at me, and his hands were at my sides tickling me till I found it hard to breathe.
My cheeks started to hurt from laughing too hard and tears were streaming down my face.
I pushed him away, causing him to falter and fall back into the pillow. He glanced at the pillow behind him and smirked at me, before outstretching himself across the bed. His long legs fell across my lap.
"I believe I won,"
I shoved his feet off of my lap and stood up. "Wrong,"
He gestured to the pillow under his head.
"I can easily fix that,"
Nate tried his best to maintain a poker face, but I saw through it, he faltered for a second and saw a flicker of uncertainty.
I bent over and reached for his arm and as I was expecting, he sat up, so that he was kneeling and clutched my hand.
"Not so fast," He growled, his eyes twinkling in amusement.
As fast as lightning, I used my other hand and the weight of my shoulder, to judo-flip him over my shoulder.
Luckily, he landed with a soft thud on the lush carpet beside my feet.
I smugly jumped onto the bed and sat cross-legged, while smiling sweetly down at him.
He shook his head as he pulled himself up and actually smiled at me.
"Judo-flipped by a princess. Nice,"
I wiggled my finger at him, " I told you. I always get what I want,"
He glanced at my cheek where his foot had made contact," I didn't hurt you did I?"
"I'm fine. You're not hurt, are you?"
"Only my ego," He muttered, stalking off towards his bed.
He peeled his shirt off and slipped under the covers in a single motion.
"Oh, you'd get over it," I teased.
"Goodnight Princess,"

"Why are you smiling?"
I snapped out of my flashback and glanced at Shaniah who was observing me with a questioning look.
"It's nothing. Let's get some breakfast," I assured her, stumbling out of bed.

After we both ate breakfast and took a shower, Shaniah took my hand and led me out the back door.
I surveyed the backyard. There was a beautiful garden to one side that held daisies, echinaceas and beautiful blue flowers that I have never seen before. To the left, I noticed an old swing set. Not too far from the set, was the gate, that led out the path that Isaac had mentioned led to town.

Shaniah- now dressed in another one of Isaac's shirts that she had tied up and her shorts that she been wearing the night before, skipped over to the swing set.

"Hey, where is everyone?"
Shaniah closed her eyes, as she kicked off the ground and sent her self-swinging.

"Arianna's still sleeping I think. Cindy left just as I woke you up and the boys went to town to run some errands,"

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