22. Birthday Celebrations 1.1

371 52 186

Thursday 23rd August


I was running, running away from an unknown threat. I didn't know what I was but it wasn't friendly. I could smell its rancid breath and hear its close growls trailing behind me. The never-ending darkness finally came to an end as I emerged into an empty clearing. There was no escape from here, surrounding the empty lot were three brick walls and the forest that I just came from.

I was screwed. I came to an abrupt stop as I realized there was nowhere else to run.

This was it.

I made the mistake to turn around, as I met the face of my opponent. Its scaly, green skin resembled boogers. Its large, bulging eyes looked down at me greedily as it licked his dry mouth with its forked multi-coloured tongue. It hissed as it stepped towards me, its long, scrawny arms outstretched.

Stepping back, I tried to make a desperate escape from it, but there was nowhere, I was enclosed by the brick walls.

I tripped on a boulder as I went flying backwards, falling on my butt. The monster stood above me; its red beady menacing eyes, piercing me. I closed my eyes, waiting for my death when there was a 'shink' sound. I looked up to see the monster staring at his dismembered arm in disbelief.

I finally spotted the source of the 'shink' noise. There it was; silver and glowing in the sunlight the mightiest sword you can ever lay eyes on. The one who was holding the sword? None other than a Knight in shining armour. I watched in awe as he charged at the monster once again, this time, slicing off his fat, bulbous head in one swipe. The lower half of the body collapsed as the top half was no longer intact.

The monster was dead.

The knight made his way over to me, sitting proudly upon his noble steed. When he was directly beside me, he outstretched a hand, helping me to my feet. Then he jumped off his horse to meet me face to face. He wasn't that much taller as he stood three feet away from me. His entire face was hidden under the mask as the rest of his body was under the armour.

Stepping forward, he took my hand and knelt on one knee. Then slowly with his free hand, he took off his helmet, revealing his face. It was half off his face when music began to play.

Is that...? Is that the Birthday song?

The helmet was off now, and the knight's face was totally exposed, but... I couldn't see his face. Extreme light from the rising sum blocked his face as I only made out the structure of his face. Chiseled jaw, high cheekbones...

The intensity of the birthday sound grew louder as the Knight's lips moved in sync with the lyrics.

"Happy birthday to you!Happy birthday to You! Happy birthday dear Alexa!-"

My eyes shot open and assessed the room before me.
My bedroom.Of course. I was dreaming. It makes sense now.

Two pairs of brown eyes hovered over me as they finished the song.Kat and her cousin Estelle.

"Ess! Kat!" I exclaimed, pushing myself up into a sitting position.

"Happy birthday!" They shouted in unison.

"Oh my gosh! Thank you! I didn't even realize it was today!" I gushed, getting off my bed to hug them.

"I know right! It seems like just yesterday you arrived here and I came over. A week flew by so quickly." Kat said, accepting my hug

"And Ess! You came all this way from England to see me?" I shouted giving her a hug now.

"Of course! Plus... I was invited to the ball later!!! Can't miss out on the opportunity to see some hot princes.." She replied, as she went me a wink.

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