33. Bee-moon?

263 36 99

Sunday 25, November

We were a few minutes away from Kat's country, and the individual herself had spent the last twenty minutes pacing the ground.

"Kat, I think you should buckle in," I warned, patting the plush sofa that was beside my aircraft recliner.

Kat spent no time in lounging around her private jet, a few minutes after we had ascended. She took to rummaging through the bar, snacking from the fridge and sprawling across the plush sofa.

I instead, was still buckled into my seat, considering my fear of flights had not diminished.

"I'm too nervous!" She cried, bouncing on the balls of her feet. I knew the movement would not affect the plane's movements yet the sight of the action made me internally panic.

"Kat! What's the worse that can happen?" I said, suppressing a laugh at my friend's state.

"My whole family hates me, the whole country hates me, the ghost of my father comes back to haunt me-"

"Can you PLEASE stop pacing?" Nate groaned, from his seat.

This was the first time that he had spoken since we entered the jet. He had been so quiet and observant as usual that I had forgotten that he was even there.

His curls were all messy from being tussled under his hoodie, and his lopsided lazy smile that was stretching across his face, meant that Kat had just awakened him from sleeping.

"I didn't invite you on this trip to snap at me Hartley," Kat hissed, narrowing her eyes at the nonchalant boy before her.

He simply shrugged before reclining into his seat and returning his gaze to the window.

"Maybe Nate is right Kat," I said cautiously. She rose an eyebrow and crossed her arms.

"Take a seat and relax," I suggested, "Why fuss over the unknown?"

"Of course I'm right," Nate chirped from across the cabin, and Kat rolled her eyes so far back into her head, I was almost sure she was possessed.

"Now that you guys are official, you guys are going to be even more nauseatingly cute."

Nate straightened up in his seat and turned to face me, his lips curling into a mischievous smirk.

"That sounds like a challenge, right baby?"

Considering that Nate and I had only become official the day before, that was the first time he had called me any pet names.

As expected, my insides warmed at the sound of the affectionate name, although I knew it was only to annoy Kat.

Kat made a disgustingly loud retching sound, while making a gesture that she wanted to puke.

All the while there was a hint of a smile, threatening to form at the corners of her lips.

At least she's not pacing anymore.

"Sure babe, actually, I think you're too far away. Why don't you come over here and cuddle with me?" I teased, smirking at Katherine.

She gagged, and dramatically shuddered, finally plopping herself onto the plush sofa.

"It's a good thing we land in two minutes."

Nate caught my gaze and sent me a wink, making me feel all bubbly inside again.

I completely forgot that we were supposed to be torturing Katherine.

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