38. The Runaways

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Friday 28, December

"You want me to run away?"

"Well, to summarize... yes." Nate replied, moving closer to the camera.

Up close, I saw the beautiful golden rings around his irises, but also the bags forming under his eyes.

"Why aren't you sleeping?" I questioned,  narrowing my eyes to intimidate him.

He chuckled nervously and drew away from the camera, "What do you mean Lex? I've been sleeping."

"Your bags have bags." I pointed out.

"At least they're Gucci bags."

His shoulders slumped and his lips turned downwards when I frowned at him in response.

"Stop changing the subject!" I hissed.

"I'm sorry baby, I just hate to have you worrying about me."

"I worry about you regardless," I muttered, trying to hide the blush I felt creeping up my neck from my favorite pet-name.

"There'd be no need for you to worry if you think about..." He trailed off, his brows creasing inwards while I continued to stare blankly at him.

"You want me leave my sister, Kat, everything I've known, behind?"

It was Nate's turn to frown now, "I thought you didn't care for any us this royalty bullshit?"

"I don't! But I do care about my family and friends! And you can't just expect me to throw it all away!"

He winced as if my words had physically wounded him and the creases in his forehead deepened.

This was all too similar to the argument we had back at their old cabin, when Nate tried to convince me to stay with the Hartleys.

"I'm sorry, it's not my place to ask you to do such a thing. I just- I was just trying to fulfill that promise you know? I've been thinking about this since you left on Boxing Day."

Every-time he mentioned the promise, my stomach bubbled with guilt. I was yet to confess that any chances of Nate and I happening were down to zilch.

I never told him that Isabelle and I fought with all our might to get the law amended, any of the laws that would help my case, but to no avail.

To Nate I was being uncharacteristically pessimistic, but I truly knew that there was no hope.

"Nate- I have something to tell you..."

"You're not pregnant are you? I mean we used protection... not that-"

"No you idiot!" I giggled, waving my arms for him to shut up, "Besides, I wouldn't even know so soon!"

Nate visibly relaxed, before gesturing for me to continue.

"A few weeks ago... a day after we returned from Kat's country, uh Isabelle and I sat in one of dad's conferences," I began.

Nate's frown deepened, "Did something happen to you? What's wrong love?"

"I-uh. We both tried Nate. We tried to fight for the laws to be amended. But, he wouldn't budge. I can't renounce my title. I have to remain a Princess, that's the only way I can be with you... they were all for amending the Commoner's law at least..."

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