12. All the Right Moves

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All the right friends in all the right places, so yeah we're going down- One Republic

Wednesday 8th July

The next few days that passed after my period debacle, ran smoothly. Cindy had announced Tuesday that she had a special work emergency and Isaac translated for me that it meant she was traveling across town for a few days. She warned Isaac profusely that I wasn't to be put in any danger by leaving the house unless it was to return home.

For the first day home without Cindy; I was lying on Arianna's bed, while we read alongside one another, when Isaac shuffled inside the room.

I lowered my book and spotted two plates in his hands. He let out an uneasy chuckle,
"Ah. So much for being the man of the house and provider now that ma has left for a few days.." He murmured as he rested the two plates on the bed.
He straightened up and crossed his arms across his bare toned chest, with a sheepish expression as he waited for us to try his attempt at breakfast.

Arianna lowered her book and wrinkled her nose at her plate.
Two deformed, burnt pancakes stared back at me, alongside two equally charred sausage links.

Isaac let out a deep sigh, "I can't even make breakfast,". His shoulders slumped slightly.

My eyes flickered over to him, and  his pursed lips shifted into a smile as his eyes met mine.
That sudden change in action made me wonder if Isaac's light playful persona was really a front or if he was genuinely incapable of staying upset for a long period of time.

"It's okay Isaac, I really appreciate it."I chirped, supplying a genuine smile.
He nodded and pulled up the sagging waistband of his grey sweatpants.

Arianna poked at her charred sausages as she tried to chew a burnt piece of pancakes. She grimaced as swallowed the piece and gave Isaac a small smile, "Interesting flavour at least."

Isaac burst into laughter and all signs of his self-inflicted disappointment disappeared.

"Ah scrap all of this, why don't we all just eat cereal," He chirped, as he gathered our plates.

Coincidentally, Nate who I had left to sleep in, had awakened and shuffled over to all of us there gathered in Arianna's room.

His eyelids were still partly closed due to his drowsiness, and they crinkled as a rasp of a laugh came out, " Yeah you gotta show her how's cereal is really done Isaac."

Isaac's eyes flitted over to me as he held the two rejected breakfast plates in his hands.
"What do you mean?"

Nate crossed his arms across his bare chest and lazily smirked I my direction, "Princess over here is Team Cereal first."

Arianna's mouth curved into a huge smile, displaying her adorable multicolored braces.
"Yes! Just as I thought you couldn't have gotten more amazing!"
She launched herself at me and wrapped her arms around.

Isaac wrinkled his nose and took a step backward, "I'm very disappointed in you Alexandria."

A giggle escaped me at Isaac using my full name. I shrugged as he pursed his lips in mock contempt.

"Hey, isn't there only a few of the Cocoa Puffs left?" Arianna asked as she retracted from our hug.

Nate's eyes narrowed at his sister, "Yes. And it's mine. There's a new box of Fruit Loops in the cupboard."

Isaac's eyes flashed with his usual playfulness, "I think I'm in the mood for Cocoa Puffs as well Arianna."

Nate turned his smouldering gaze onto his brother then, and I watched as the three siblings had an intense staring match.

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