Chapter Three

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Three days had passed since (Y/N)'s run-in with the three Avengers. Naturally, she felt confused by every circumstance presented to her. The idea that Thanos could come back and eradicate half of all life on every planet dug its way into her brain like a parasite. His existence was toxic to Earth, yes, but he was her own personal disease.

When she'd dismissed herself from Strange, Peter, and Tony, she'd failed to ask one question: "What will you do now?"

It would've been difficult for them to answer. They were just as lost on Titan as she had been when Thanos slaughtered her people. Even then, his power was too great for anyone to stop him. Many years after her home became vacant, (Y/N) had wondered if there really would ever be a day that someone would inflict the same torture on Thanos as he had her. The question always seemed to lead back to the same answer: power. She would have to be stronger than any other being in the cosmos—including Thanos—to destroy him once and for all.

Morning was fair that day. Temperatures resided in the midst of a content equilibrium; the true balance of nature and all things. Orange rock that lay beneath her didn't singe her skin, which was unusual. Typically, Titan was warm. She couldn't remember a day where she hadn't been sweating after only being outside for no longer than five minutes.

How strange...

For the passed three days, her home had grown rather loud. The three men made it their duty to repair any parts of the building they'd demolished so they could acquire some type of shelter. She had to refrain herself from visiting. If she didn't, she'd only bombard them with questions and throw history lessons at them. From their appearances, it looked like they didn't need anymore history lessons.

What had been taking them three days would only take (Y/N) one. Her expertise in destroying and rebuilding was quite extraordinary, to say the least. Shambles turned into shacks, broken architecture turned into scraps for later usage. In every way, she was strategic. She thought two steps ahead of the rest of the world, but somehow...

Still managed to miss Thanos.

Saving the galaxy was not her responsibility. Not in the slightest. Her main objective had always been to protect and revitalize Titan. This prophecy she'd led herself to believe was something she held dear to her heart. Without parents to guide her, without teachers to educate, who was left to enlighten her?

The planet.

She'd managed to keep it alive for many years. In a sense, the world was an extension of her mind. She thought there, lived there, grew there. Cognitive abilities developed when she had still been only a child. The expanse of the universe, afterward, never seemed as far away as it once had. Titan taught her history, gave her a culture to love and cherish, and willed her ability to be one of the fiercest female descendants. More than anything, she wished she could ignore the fact that destruction was on its way to terminate all she'd worked so hard on.

Throughout (Y/N)'s years, she had been no stranger to ethereal beings or magic. As a child, she could remember her parents putting her hands in small cloth bandages and never let her throw aggressive tantrums. As she got older, she rummaged through the baron lands and discovered what she could only assume to be dilapidated sanctuaries. An advantage on her part was that she'd always been fond of learning. She took to Titan's abandoned libraries and uncovered ancient books full of the planet's history as well as others in the universe. Seeing as though these pieces of architecture had always intrigued her, she'd delved farther into her books and discovered an ancient story about certain ancestors in Titan.

(A/N: This part of the story is completely irrelevant to the comics as well as movies produced by Marvel. I decided to incorporate a different aspect of culture. I hope it will be enjoyable! -Abi)

750,000 years ago, when Titan had molded into creation, a tribe of Light Elves–a race that did not reside far from Asgard–discovered it. Often times, this race had been described as tranquil and friendly, something (Y/N) could always remember her people being. Though, upon further research, she also uncovered the history of the colony of Titanian Eternals who also inhabited the lands simultaneously. Further on, Titan had often been considered a haven; a place where peace and safety resided. Even so, previous ancestors had achieved great goals in science and social aspects of life, creating an entirely unique computer system that could monitor and help the inner-workings of life–a type of support system, if anything.

With the Light Elves and colonies of Titanian Eternals, there had been a certain power produced. Only a few families of Titan fell victim to the responsibility of such an immense power: the power to control time, space, reality, mind, soul, and power.

All six different types of Infinity Stones.

Without the actual need to harness them.

Of course, upon first discovery, this seemed absurd to her. The power to be stronger than Thanos? Without the Infinity Stones? It seemed unfathomable. And for a time, she often questioned how Thanos had even been able to slaughter the way he had if families of Titan could've just as easily destroyed him.

But then something dawned on her.

After reviewing scholarly, ancient texts, she realized that a powerful family like that had not existed until Thanos.

And now her.

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