Chapter Ten

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Out of all of the instances (Y/N) tried to prepare herself for, she could've never prepared enough for the return of Thanos. It would've thought of as immoral and every tactic she'd attempt to use would seem irrational, useless. Even with her knowledge that she could defeat the giant creature with the snap of her finger and a majority of her mental strength, she still remained petrified. Her fear came from a wound in the pit of her stomach, rupturing only for a split second, as if a vital organ had burst inside of her.

Her benevolence had bid her good day.

She would make him pay for what he did to her home. After years and years and years of attempting to rebuild, after years of trying to form something new and living again, after years of simply trying to reconstitute a stable environment after his devastation—there was nothing more that she wished to do at that moment than to rip his giant purple head off and feed it to the foul creatures that poisoned space with their pitiful presence.

"You'd be a very smart boy if you went back to your friends," (Y/N) insisted to Peter whom was standing beside her, hands shaking, eyes widened, teeth chattering. No matter how many monsters or bad guys he fought, nothing could've ever readied him enough for Thanos.

"B-But they're all the way over t-there," He stammered, swallowing a few times to get the fear down his throat, "I can't get over there! That monster will kill me!"

Shaking her head, she shoved Peter in front of her and cast a red light over his entire body. He didn't even have time to protest before he was thrown into some sort of suction and then dropped off at the feet of Strange and Tony who were just as bewildered as he was.

"How many times have I told you to STAY WHERE I CAN SEE YOU?" Tony's voice rumbled in front of the young man, arguably much louder than the crashing sound Thanos had made when he'd arrived.

Peter winced at the older gentleman's raised voice and refrained from explaining himself. Doing so would achieve nothing for him. There was a giant monster only a few miles away from where they had currently been standing. The least of Tony's worries would've been the actual answer to his rhetorical question. He only cared to keep Peter safe. Aunt May would have his ass if he didn't. But it wasn't only because of Peter's Aunt that Tony felt it necessary to keep the young boy safe. He'd grown quite accustomed to him. A father-son relationship was not unthinkable. Tony had taken Peter under his wing for quite a while, always made sure he was in good health mentally, physically, and emotionally. The teenager was important to him. He'd do anything to keep him safe.

"I-I'm sorry, Mr. Stark," Peter stammered, getting up from the ground, "I-I was talking to (Y/N)."

Tony placed his index finger and thumb on the bridge of his nose, closing his eyes out of slight frustration, and let out a long breath before he decided to speak. Anger was the last thing Peter needed to be around right then.

"Hey, it's fine, kid," Tony walked toward him and placed a lively hand on his metal shoulder, "I just can't have you gettin' lost out there, okay? We need you out here with us."

More than anything, Tony wished he could've found some way to return Peter to Earth. Before crash-landing onto Titan in the first place, Peter was supposed to have been parachuting safely back to his home. Unfortunately, seeing as though Peter always had a reasonable excuse for everything (regardless of the circumstance), he managed to stay aboard the ship. Helped rescue Strange, but then ended up on Titan where that became the worst decision he'd ever made.

"We don't even have a plan," Strange mumbled, "How are we supposed to do this?"

"What—?" Tony sighed, annoyance evident, "Did you not listen to anything (Y/N) said? She literally said that she could destroy him without the Infinity Stones. Why do we need a plan?"

"She can't do everything by herself."

"She altered every future you seen, Strange."

Strange shook his head, "You're not listening to me, Tony, she literally can't do it by herself. Even with her incredible abilities, Thanos will need to be distracted in some form to help her maintain strength. If she were to do it all by herself, she'd be worn out after a few minutes of fighting. (Y/N) is a strong woman, but she legitimately cannot defeat one of the largest Titan's in the galaxy alone."

It was no surprise that they were suddenly at a crossroads. Did they help (Y/N) or did they stay put? They were the Avengers for a reason but only for Earth or for the whole cosmos?

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