Chapter Thirty Three

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When she opened her eyes, all she saw was darkness. She did not know what to think. She did not know what to feel. She remembered that man setting off those rigged explosives. She remembered it clear as day. Then everything was white. And now everything is dark. 

Was she...dead? She hoped this was not the afterlife. Otherwise, the afterlife is very shitty on paying their electric bill on time.


That was her dad. Was dad's even allowed in the afterlife?

"My head...hurts..."

"It's the aftermath of shock, sweetie. Just don't move too much."


"Are we...dead?"

"No. Your mother managed to shield us before we exploded."


She recalled being told about her shield capabilities back during the mall incident. Fast reflexes she had. But now the building had crumbled, and they were stuck under all these rocks. Everyone was going to think they were dead!

"Honey, please. You're hyperventilating. Calm down."

"Try not to distract your mother. She has to focus on keeping the barrier up."

"Excuse me for trying to BREATHE!!"

They did not respond to (Name)'s sass. She appreciated that. Instead, she tried her best to look around. She could not see her parents themselves, but she could see the red outline of a circle around them. That must be the barrier her mother created. (Name) sighed, leaning back on whatever she could.

"How did I get dragged into all this chaos?"

It was simple. She did this all because of-


The screech of her mother cut her thoughts, as the girl found an arm grab her from behind. She did not struggle, but her heart-beat increased. Her head hurt too much to move.

"Careful now. If I were you, I would not move. You have quite the head trauma there."


It seemed that Scrounge, her mother and father could all see but her. Maybe their eyes adjusted. Or they had special eyesight. Or maybe that head trauma was messing up her eyes. Who knew?

"Heya. Seems you forgot I was close to you all. I appreciate the shield, Meta."

She could hear her mother growl, ready to pound him. But if she dropped the shield, the remains of the building would crumble down on them. Her father was the one who spoke next.

"What do you want, Scrounge?"

He sounded more calm than her mother, but she heard the clear growl in his voice too. And honestly, she felt the same. 

"What I want? WHAT I WANT?! Don't you two play dumb!"

A squeak escaped as he adjusted the way he held the girl's next.

"You know exactly what you did! You know exactly what I want! I want my son back!"



"Oh? Did you not tell your bitch daughter what you did? Of course you didn't! You never cared for him after all, did you? After all, you're the ones who killed him."

His voice got cold, and she heard her parents go quiet. Killed? His son? Did they kill him? Was this true?

"Mom. Dad. What is he talking about?"

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