New year starts...

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Chapter 1 – A New Year Starts

15 Years Ago - Tom's POV

"I need you to give me one more push Mrs Riddle and then your twins will be born" a medi-witch healer said to my wife.

You see it was a shock to my wife and I that my wife had even got pregnant as when we were in our last year in Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry the headmaster had called my girlfriend and I to the office saying that he needed to speak to us and said that as I was an evil wizard and needed to be taught a lesson, he decided to curse my girlfriend at the time so she would never be able to give me a heir. It had taken a lot of work and a lot of time from a few friends at the time I had at Hogwarts and it was Severus that was able to make this potion to be able to conceive a child. And by our luck my girlfriend had conceived twin girls as well which I knew the moment that they were born that I was going to be protective of them. Deciding that we would want them to be proper riddles I married my girlfriend 2 months before the twins were due and this was the happiest day of my lift until my twins were born which was in St Mungo's.

I watched as my wife gave birth to two beautiful identical girls and I couldn't help the smile as I was passed my eldest daughter, "what shall you name her Mr Riddle" I was asked.

I looked down to my wife and smiled, "Octavia Lilith Riddle" I said and smiled as I noticed that her hair was two different colours, "dear look she has black hair with green tips" I said as I lowered my daughter to her mother.

My wife smiled and turned back to the midi healer as she said that it was time to push again to give birth to the other twin, I watched as it was only 5 minutes later that my other daughter was born and I was shocked as she was the opposite to her sister with black hair and red tips, "Faye Olivia Riddle" my wife said.

I smiled as sat down next to her and kissed her head, "our little princesses of darkness, they will be the most beautiful girls in the world" I said and laughed as Octavia reached over to me.

15 Years Later

It had been a really long 2 months with the Dursley's and to be honest I knew that losing my temper was not a great idea as I had to leave them early and find somewhere else to stay, I had lost my temper with them and to be honest that scared me as this was something new to me and I was never a violent person, I had got so angry with them that they were all pushed to the walls and the windows had broken from my anger, sighing as I didn't really want to remember the past two months I walked through kings cross station with my belongings and pushed it through the barrier on to the platform 9 ¾ where I was waiting for my friends to come along, as I knew that Ron would turn up with his parents and sister as she was in Hogwarts now and as for my best friend Hermione I knew that she would be along in the minute or already on the train.

I looked down to my trolley and smirked as Hedwig was chirping away at me and I pushed the trolley over towards my carriage so that the people who were putting the belonging of other students away that they could put it on the train for me. "Harley" a voice said making me turn around to see Ron walking over to me.

I smiled as he walked over to me and wrapped his arms around my shoulders which I returned. I couldn't help smiling as he kissed my cheek as he looked up to me, "come on then, I believe that Ginny and Hermione are already on the train" Ron said to me.

You see Ron had a bit of a crush on me and I didn't want to ruin the friendship we had if it didn't work and I knew that I would want to keep him as a friend over losing him. I nodded as he took my arm and walked over to the train, getting on the train Ron and I went looking for our friends. As I walked along the corridor towards Hermione and Ginny I had noticed that Draco was on the train, I watched as he smirked as he walked towards me, "ahh potter, how was your summer pleasant I hope" he smirked.

I smiled and placed my hand on his shoulder, making him look at me in a strange way "better than yours Malfoy, didn't I read in the paper that your Mother and father had to discipline you because you were acting like a child" I snapped as I walked into the compartment and locked the door so he couldn't respond to me as he looked pissed.

"He isn't going to be happy with you this year, you know that no one gets away with speaking to him like that" Hermione said to me hiding the smirk she had on her face.

I had the same smirk on my face and leant back into the chair in the compartment and she frowned as she looked over to me, "you've changed over the summer Harley, everything okay" she asked grabbing my hand.

You see Hermione knew what happened at the Dursley's as she was the only one that I would confide in over the summers and breaks and I knew that she didn't agree with what they would do to me, I looked over and shook my head, "sorry mione, just had a bad summer with the muggles I am forced to live with and well I finally bit back at them" I said trying to explain the outburst that I just had.

She smiled and nodded, "that's fine Harley, was it really bad his time" she asked me.

I nodded my head and smiled, "I don't really want to speak about this at the moment or I'll break down and I am trying to keep my emotions in order" I explained.

She nodded and sat down next to me, "well when you're ready to speak to us we will be there to help you Harls" she said to me and looking around the compartment I noticed that they all were smiling at me.

I leant back and watched as the train was starting to slow down and I turned to Ron and smirked as he was looking around again, "out please so we can change Ron" I said.

Ron was mumbling about bossy woman as he walked out of the compartment and stood in the hall where I noticed that others were doing the same as him.

I smirked as I closed the curtain and went to getting changed for the walk to the boats, I had got changed into a white shirt with a grey skirt and a tie that was red and gold (colours of the house I was in) with a jumper over the top and we put our robes on as well which had our school house on as well. I opened the door so Ron could come back in and smirked as he was still muttering.

"Now now Ron we just needed so privacy so we could change was all, I mean do you really want to see your sister getting changed" I said smirking at him.

He looked horrified and shook his head at me and I smiled as he and sat down next to me and went to reading a DADA book which we all looked shocked at, "I'm really falling behind and mum and dad said that I need to get a good grade this year" he said to me.

I smiled and nodded, this was the only subject that was easy for me as i could understand what Professor Snape barely said to people.

Octavia And Faye Riddle - A story of the Riddle TwinsWhere stories live. Discover now