Trouble around the corner...

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Chapter 23 – Trouble around the corner...

I noticed that Draco was looking around and I smirked as his face, "wow, why don't we have half of this stuff" he asked.

I looked to him and laughed, "Because we have a lot of things that the muggles don't, and trust me this isn't the only thing that is good in the muggle world" I said.

Dad laughed and wrapped his arm around my shoulder and looked down, "so then what are we going to see then" dad asked.

Faye and I looked at the board and noticed that there was a new star wars movie, I turned to Faye and shook my head, "they haven't seen the others and I do not fancy explaining this all the way through, maybe something that Jurassic Park" I said to her.

She nodded and turned to our father, "this one please" Faye said.

Dad looked at the name and nodded, "alright then, why don't you and the others go and pick some food for us to have" dad said.

We nodded and walked over to the snack counter and looked at what they had, "is this like ours" Draco asked me.

I smiled and nodded, "some of it is, just be careful as some of the stuff is full of sugar" I said to him.

He nodded and I turned to Faye and noticed that she had picked the same as me, grabbed some bottles of coke, dad looked over and smiled as he took the stuff from us and paid the man, "right then we have the whole back row" dad said to us.

We nodded and we walked into the cinema and sat down getting ready to watch the show, I knew that Draco and the others were going to be shocked with this.

x-x-x Time skip x-x-x

We walked out of the cinema and I noticed that people were in awe with it, "wow, we need one of these or at least to do it often with everyone" Draco said.

I smiled and watched as he walked over to me and took a hold of my hand and smiled at me, "I think that we should grab some food" Draco said.

We all nodded and we walked down the street towards a nice looking restaurant where dad looked over and smiled, "I think that this should be alright for us" dad said and we walked in to the place.

We were shown to a table and I noticed that we wasn't alone, in the corner of the room was the Durselys, I didn't want to do this and shook my head, "I want to leave" I said.

Everyone looked at me and Lily looked over to where I was looking and frowned, "is that who I think it is" Lily said.

Dad turned around and shook his head, "they shouldn't be here, I have them locked up for the trial" dad said.

I looked over to him and he smiled at me, "I didn't want you to run into them if you were out in London with Faye or someone else" dad said to me.

I nodded and noticed that lily got up and I grabbed her hand, "they believe you are dead, they told me that you and James had died in a car crash, something about you being a drunk" I said.

Lily growled and pushed my hand off her and then turned to Severus, "I'll be back in the minute, I promise I won't kill them yet" Lily said and walked over to them.

I watched as Petunia looked to her and looked shocked, I couldn't hear much of what they were saying but I could see that Vernon was going purple and knew that it was a good thing, knowing that my magic could lose control I turned to Severus, "he is going to lash out at her, Sev please" I said.

Severus smiled and got up which made Petunia look at him and sink back in her chair, "I believe that you should have been locked up for what you did to my niece, I am going to watch as you two get thrown in jail and your son is going to go to the worst people I can think off and have what was done to my niece, done to him" Severus snapped.

I smirked as they looked over to me and I watched as Vernon got a nasty smile on his face, I felt someone wrapped their arms around me and Draco looked to me, "I need you to ignore them" he said to me.

I nodded and turned my head into my boyfriend's chest and tried to keep my temper in check because this would only go against me, grabbing the phone I had in my pocket as I knew that Vernon was going to come over to me I pressed the record button on it and put it in my pocket, it was only Faye and I that knew about mobile phones, I noticed that people moved on the table and I looked up to see that Vernon had pushed his way over to us, "well what do we have here, little Harley, you may look different and I will say that you do look better like this. Maybe if I can get you back I can have my way with you again, remember this Blondie she is soiled goods" Vernon purred.

I fought the sickness in my stomach and turned to him, "you will never do that to me again, what you did to me was wrong and it was abuse" I snapped.

I watched as he face me and raised his hand, "you will not touch her, do you understand me" Draco snarled.

I looked to Draco and smiled, this was a side to Draco that I never through that I would see, "she is soiled and when you all get bored of her, Dumbledore will give her back to me and I can have my play toy back" he snapped.

I turned into Draco to hide the tears that were coming down my cheeks, "leave" my father snarled at him as I knew that he was being held back by Lucius and Severus but I knew that it was only so they didn't make matters worst.

"ahh Professor Snape, Mister Malfoy, thank you for contacting the ministry about the Dursley's, they were released on the basis that they needed to behave, but seeing as they have approached this family I have got them arrested for this, Auror Jones please can you take Mr and Mrs Dursley into custody and Auror James please can you take the young boy to the ministry" Auror Lucas said to them.

I watched as they took them away and turned to my mother, I noticed that our father was there and smirked as he would have been able to sense them coming, "I am sorry about this Mrs Riddle, I will make sure that they are held correctly this time" Auror Lucas said to my mother.

She nodded and walked over to me and placed her hand down on my head and smiled down to Draco, "thank you for protecting my daughter Draco" mother said.

I looked up and pulled the phone out of my pocket and stopped the recording, "looks like you have that bastard on tape" Faye said looking at me.

I nodded and put the phone back into my pocket and turned to Draco, "thank you" I said and pushed my lips to his and smiled as he kissed me back.


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