Draco and Faye's POV

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Chapter 14 – Draco and Faye's POV

Faye's POV

I looked at the others in the room as mum and dad had taken Octavia out of the room to try and calm her down from the spell that we had done trying to get the information out for the trail that we would have to go to for the abuse that she has been through, and I noticed that Ron looked shocked, "what are you looking at" I snapped.

Ron looked over to me and shook his head, "sorry" he mumbled.

"Faye Olivia riddle, you apologise this moment your parents would not be happy you speaking to someone like that, you have been raised better than that young lady" Severus snapped at me.

I turned red and looked back to Ron, "I am sorry I snapped at you, I am just worried about my sister and well when mum and dad lost Octavia and I when we were babies they distance them self from everyone and then when our father went insane looking for us our mother then lost her husband all because they were hurting" I got out quickly.

I smiled as I couldn't help the shocked look on my face when Ron quickly gave me a hug, I noticed that Draco was hiding his smile when Ron did this and when I looked over to Fred and George I noticed that they too when smirking at my uncomfortableness, "thank you for protecting her even from me when I was being a dick to her, I owe you both everything" Draco said to the Wesley twins.

I noticed that Ron frowned and I couldn't help the smile on my face as I had a feeling that our parents would prefer Draco for Octavia than Ron, "you do realise that she will never go for you Malfoy, plus she is my girlfriend so do not say you love my girl" Ron snapped at Draco.

I watched as Draco turned to Ron and smirked, "whatever, I am sure that sooner or later she will realise that she prefers me than you" Draco said to him which made me laugh.

Ron went to reply as I pulled myself up from the sofa I was sitting on and noticed that all was quiet in the manor "seems like she's fallen to sleep" Severus said to us as he walked into the main room with some potions.

I nodded and sat down on the chair and placed my head in my hands, "Faye are you okay" Draco asked me.

I looked up and smiled as he was bent down in front of me who looked confused, "yeah just drained, I cannot figure out why though. I feel bad as it has been Octavia who has been through the worst of it all today" I said honestly to him.

He smiled as he moved to sit down next to me and took my hand, I noticed that Sirius had walked over to me and bent down smiling, "seems like that link is still there from when you were born, what she is feeling so are you. It's a black twin trait that happens in our family with twins even including twins that are boy and girl as your mother and I have it" Sirius explained as he was looking at Draco as well.

I heard a chuckle and turned around to see Draco's mother, "now now Sirius, I can't have you telling my son everything as I am sure that he, Faye and Octavia will all become a handful as we were for our parents" Draco's mum said smiling at her brother.

I looked over to her and smiled, "I remember you from the photo album that dad showed me when Oct was asleep, it was nice to see that you have all remained friends after school and everything that had happened" Faye asked.

She smiled at me and bent down as she took my hand "your mother and I was best friends in school when we were attending Hogwarts and we were pregnant at the same time, your sister and you share the same birthday with my Draco, I believe that there would have been a forth but I believe things went wrong" she explained to us.

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