Back to hogwarts...

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Chapter 8 – Back to Hogwarts

Faye and I woke to our parents standing in the doorway of Faye's room smiling at us, "Come on you two, Lucius is downstairs and is going to take you back to Hogwarts as he has convinced the ministry to make Dumbledore redo your sorting" dad said to us.

We both nodded and got up walking into the bathroom that attached mine and Faye's rooms together and looked into the mirror and smiled as my black hair was still smooth and not a mess at all, quickly putting a brush through my hair, I grabbed the hair curlers and went to making my hair curly and Faye did the same as well, I grabbed the makeup bag from my bag and quickly went to putting on some make up so I wasn't as pale as Draco and got dressed into our school robes where I noticed that Faye was already dressed pretty much the same to me. We walked down into main room where there was a bright light going off, "Aww my two babies" mum said.

We both groaned and dad walked in and smirked, "well it's safe to say that if they didn't have the colour in the bottom of their hair I wouldn't be able to tell them apart, now come on you two you don't want to be late for you first day back do you" dad said and walked over to the fire place and threw some powder in "Professor Dumbledore's Office" dad said and we walked through to the headmasters office.

"Aww Faye, Octavia" Dumbledore said to us even though I could tell he was not happy about seeing the both of us.

I smiled sweetly at him and nodded, "Professor, I do apologise for ruining your office, I will learn to control the magic I have" I said lying through my teeth to the head master.

Lucius smiled at Faye and I as he walked over to us, "okay so you mother did ask me to tell you to behave and not to make any trouble, also that the ministry will make sure that you are both sorted into the correct houses, good luck you too and I am sure that we will be seeing you for Christmas this year" Lucius said to us and with that he walked over to the fireplace and bent down grabbing some power and throwing it into the fire and disappeared from our sights.

We turned back to the Professor and he smiled at me, "right let's see what house you are in then shall we" he said and walked over to a shelf and reached up and came back over to Faye and I with the sorting hat.

"Octavia take a seat please" Dumbledore said to me.

I sat down on the stool and Dumbledore walked over and placed the hat down on my head, "Miss riddle, nice to finally be able to call you the right name" the sorting hat said to me which I couldn't help the smile to come to my face, "you knew who I was from the beginning" I asked. "Of course I did but the headmaster would not let me tell you, believe me when I say that it is the headmaster that is the evil one, please pass this message on to your sister. Now I believe the best place for you would be Slytherin" the hat said.

I took the hat of my head and looked down as my school robes sign became green and silver with the Slytherin crest on the buckle at the top of my cape, I passed the hat over to my sister and smiled as the hat shouted out Slytherin as well. I watched as Faye took the hat off and walked over to the shelf and placed the hat down smiling. Faye walked over to me and looked over to the professor "were done and I believe we do not need to speak to you" Faye snarled at the Professor.

Dumbledore smiled as he looked to Faye and I, "I will have the whole school against you and you will become the most hated students at this school" Dumbledore said.

We both smiled at him and I walked over as I placed my hand on shoulder, "just remember that Faye and I have the ministry on our side and trust me when I say this, GAME ON" I snapped and felt the castle react to my magic.

Faye and I walked out of the headmaster's office and down the stairs with people staring at the two of us wondering who we are, Faye took my hand and we walked into the great hall smirking as everyone stopped at stared at the both of us.

We smiled as Professor Snape walked over to us and smiled as he took us over to the Slytherin table and pointed to some seats for us to sit in, "eat first and then once we are in the common room I will introduce you to everyone else okay" Severus said.

Faye and I nodded at Professor Snape and grabbed food as we were hungry and needed something to eat, "good afternoon, I know this is not normal but as people can see we have two new students today, I would like to introduce you to the twins daughters of lord Voldermort" Dumbledore said to the whole school.

I noticed that people were staring at us and started muttering over what they would now do, I knew that Faye was going to find this hard to deal with as she was the type of person to want to get along with everyone, I stood up and smirked as everyone turned to me, I noticed that Snape and Draco where looking at me with an identical look on their faces, "thank you Albus for that lovely introduction, but how many times do we have to tell you we only know our mother as our father died when we were taken from him. I mean unless you know something that the rest of the wizarding world doesn't" I said smirking as people turned their attention to the headmaster.

Dumbledore looked at me and growled, "You will admit to this school and our teachers that you know your father" he growled.

Before I could answer a voice was heard in the background, "umm excuse me, but are you aware that the ministry have already looked into this and are you aware that believing that the dark lord is making a return is not a good start for you headmaster and then to make it out as our students here would be following him is horrible. I will make sure that fudge hears about this" Umbridge screamed at him.

I smirked as turned to Umbridge, she was someone that our father and Lucius did not like and wanted out of the ministry as she would be trouble for father at a later date, but I watched as Faye turned to Umbridge and let a few tears go, "we found out the other day while we were doing potions as Professor snakes class was revealing family and that was when we found out. Lucius Malfoy was informed about what had happened and said that our mother was still alive and took us to her. Unless our dear headmaster is on about the man that our mother has been seeing as he has said to our mother that he would be happy to try and be a father figure to us, it wasn't until Octavia and I met our mother, that she explained that our father died the day we had been taken from them which was about a week after we had been born. To be honest our mother didn't want to send us back to Hogwarts with the headmaster here" Faye said forcing some tears out.

I was amazed with her acting skills and I could see that Severus was as well as he was trying to keep the smirk off his face, I watched as Umbridge walked over to us and smiled at my sister, thinking that she was close to a breakdown "Please explain child, what does your mother have against the headmaster" Umbridge asked.

We both smiled and looked back to the headmaster with smirks on our face, "I'm sorry but mother would have to tell you that as she doesn't always want to share the horrible past with us" we said and sat down.

Umbridge made some noise and we smirked as she turned around and walked out of the great hall, I turned to Faye and smirked, "who would have thought that you had some evil in you dear sister" I said chuckling.

Faye laughed and we finished our lunch as people were still staring at us and we went to walk out of the hall when I noticed that Ron was sat there and he looked really broken, deciding to go and speak to him, I turned to Faye and smirked, "I am sure that you can do the introductions for the both of us dear sister, oh and don't be too nice to them I mean they have made our life's hell for the past three years" I said smirking at her.

Faye smiled and nodded, I watched as she walked out of the great hall and I turned and walked over to the Gryffindor table and couldn't help the smirk to come from me as people were looking scared of me.

Octavia And Faye Riddle - A story of the Riddle TwinsWhere stories live. Discover now