Bring Two Family's Together Again

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Chapter 24 – Bring Two Family's Together Again

I smiled as Draco kissed me back but it was short lived, "OCTAVIA LILITH RIDDLE" my father shouted.

I pulled away and felt my cheeks burn up, "dad" I said looking at him.

He shook his head and walked over to us and pulled me off Draco's lap, "home now" he shouted.

I walked in front of him and turned to Faye who was trying to not say anything, we got to the manor and dad looked to Draco and growled, "the deal was that you court my daughter, not kiss her" dad growled.

I walked over to him and shook my head, "dad calm down please, I kissed Draco as he protected me from that monster" I snapped.

Dad looked over to me and shook his head, "this is between Draco and I" dad said to me.

I rolled my eyes and turned to Draco; "do you want me to stay at all" I said to him.

Draco smiled and shook his head, "nah I'll be okay" he said to me.

I nodded and went to walk out of the room, before leaving I turned to dad and smiled, "don't be too hard on him dad, I kissed him remember" I said and walked out before dad could say anything else.

I walked into my bedroom and noticed that Faye and Caden where there and looked up to me, Faye smirked and I waved her off, "dad doesn't believe that I kissed him" I said.

Faye smiled and shook her head, "what do you expect sis, isn't there a marriage contact in place for you and Draco" Faye said to me.

I nodded and looked over to see that Caden looked confused, "but were family, isn't that wrong" she said.

I smiled and shook my head, "in the muggle world yes, in our world between cousins in fine as we can bring pure-blood families closer together, if Draco and I was brother and sister that wouldn't be aloud as it can cause problems in the children, but cousins is fine" I explained.

She nodded and turned to Faye, "does that mean that my father will chose who I can marry" she asked.

I looked to her and smiled, "you will be expected to follow certain rules due to your blood status, due to you have to half-blood parents it makes you a pure blood, Faye and I are purebloods as our father is a half blood and our mother is a pureblood, and then Draco is a Pureblood as his mother is a pure blood and so is his father" I explained.

She nodded and looked over to me, "so you have to marry Draco then" she said to me.

I chuckled and shook my head, "I don't have to if I don't want to, but I have always had an attraction to Draco from the first time that I met him, I believe that Draco and I will be fine" I said to them.

She nodded and I walked over to Caden and smiled as she cuddled into me, "can you tell me about Hogwarts" she asked.

Faye and I smiled and went to telling her all about the school and what it was like there.

Tom's POV

I looked over to Draco and noticed that he wasn't staring at me as he had his head down, "Draco" I said making him look at me.

He looked up and smiled at me, "I am sorry sir, I didn't mean to make you think that I have taken advantage of your daughter, she means so much to me for me to do that" Draco said to me.

I smiled and walked over to him, "I know that Draco, I am sorry that I yelled at you. My anger was put at you it was at the Dursley's, I have hoped that she would be able to move on from all this but then this happens. I just felt like I couldn't protect my child" I explained to him.

Octavia And Faye Riddle - A story of the Riddle TwinsWhere stories live. Discover now