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Chapter 9 - Surprise...

I walked towards my old table and noticed that there wasn't that many people there for lunch today, I made my way over to the Wesley twins and noticed that they were staring at me with a smirk on their faces and I knew that they had already been told and maybe didn't believe all the lies that there family had been telling them.

I noticed that people were keeping their eyes on me and I couldn't help but smirk, but it seemed as they couldn't keep the mouths shut. "who the hell does she think she is and why does she think that she can come over here, doesn't she know that we're going to kill her father" a boy said and I turned to see that it was one of the new student that would have started this year and smiled as I walked over to them, "Octavia Riddle and I would remember who the hell it is that your speaking to, and as you have been told by my sister our father is not alive. Maybe it's time to stop believing everything that the headmaster goes on about" I snarled at him and smiled as he packed up and ran out of the great hall.

I chuckled to myself and turned back to the new kids and smiled, "what are you doing at this table, aren't all children from dark family supposed to sit at the Slytherin table" a young girl snapped at me.

I looked down to her and placed my hands down beside her, "careful love you might not like what comes next, and trust me everyone who is a dark family isn't in Slytherin, I mean was Sirius black in this house" I spat.

They nodded and I walked over to the others and noticed that Ron was staring at with some of the other first years at the table; I turned to first years and felt as the colour of my eyes changed "stop with the staring" I snarled.

They all turned their attention back to their food, smiling I turned back to see Ron staring at me, "knew you would become one of them" he snapped and turned back to his book.

I heard a snort before I could answer and looked over to see Fred and George laughing, "Well I never Octavia Riddle, nice to finally meet you properly. Heard a lot of bad things about you, aren't you the scary one out of you and your sister. I hear you take after you father in the power department" Fred said and walked over to me and sat down in front of me.

I knew what he was doing and I couldn't help the chuckle to come from me, "Hello Fred, George I hope it wasn't all horrible" I said.

They smiled and I stood up before they could say anything else and walked over to the part of the table and grabbed Ron, "with me now" I snapped.

He looked at me and laughed, "let's not Ridde, god knows what you would do to me" he said to me.

I felt my anger rising and knew that it was going to help me so I took a deep breath and looked to him again, "Ron please, if our friendship ever meant anything to you" I asked.

He looked up to me and smirked, "fine you have 5 minutes then I'm done because I don't want anything to do with the Dark Lords daughter" he snapped and walked out of the great hall.

I followed him out to the court yard and he turned around to me and I saw he snapped, "Mum said that she saw you and Faye at the leaky cauldron and she said that you lost your temper at her, for no reason. From what I understand Octavia you're just like your father" Ron snapped at me.

I shook my head and looked at him, "your parents started it Ron, I didn't even want to speak to them because I was worried over what they would think of me and it was my mother decided that if they loved me like she always said she did, it would matter as she would be able to see who I really was and well my mother decided that she would be nice and say hello to her and they pushed their anger on to me. Ron your parents called me a monster and that Faye and I deserved to be taken from a loving family, I get that you don't approve of my father but before you disown me, I think you need to speak to your parents" I snapped.

Ron was going red and I knew that he was pissed off at me, "You Dark families are all the same, you may not be what I thought but you are still a self-centred bitch, I mean look what happened this morning in the great hall with the first years, Jesus they don't realise that you are just as crazy as your father" he snapped.

I smirked as I looked at him, "first off I have always been this way but you never noticed Ron because you have been so caught up in let's see if I can get her attention to fall in love with me, Second those first years were spouting off shit about my family and I snapped, if you haven't noticed Ron I don't like people never have because of personal reasons that you are aware off, and when I came to this school that changed as that used to be your family as they were the exception, but that was before your parents threw their anger at me and Faye, I didn't trust anyone else outside of you lot. So when I found out from potions class that I was adopted I needed my friend, my best friend and my main concern was that if you would be okay with this, not once did I think that you would pull away from me and on the way to the office that day you did Ron, I watched as you tore yourself away from me and it hurt. I was so worried over what you would think and how you would look at me, that I didn't have a chance to see what it would be like for Faye and I. Seems like I was right, you hate Faye and I all because we turned out to be Riddle's" I snapped keeping the tears at bay.

I went to turn around to walk away when I heard it, "I lost you the moment you became a Riddle, no Riddle would love a Wesley and I know that your father would kill me before I could tell you the truth" Ron whispered.

I turned to him and shook my head, "is that what made you say these things" I asked.

He nodded and I laughed which made him look at me, "what's so funny about my feelings" he snapped.

I smiled and walked over to him and pulled his face to mine, "first off you need to stop with the snapping at me as it's going to piss me off Ron, I have a nasty temper and I don't want you to get on the wrong side of it and I loved you from the first day I saw you idiot, the little boy who tried to make me laugh by turning his rat yellow but couldn't" I snapped.

He looked at me and I noticed that he was looking for Harley, "Ron I'm still me, just better looking" I said flicking out my black hair making him laugh.

He laughed at me and walked over to me and pushed his lips to mine and I smiled into the kiss, Ron pulled me closer to him and wrapped his arm around my waist keeping me close to him, I opened my mouth and smirked as he deepened the kiss. I pulled away and he moaned at me, "Wow a Riddle and a Wesley" a voice said.

I turned around to snap at whoever it was and noticed it was Faye, bring my magic back down as I didn't want to hurt her I smirked "why don't you bite me little sister" I said smiling.

Faye walked down to me and ignored Ron as she was still upset with him and turned to me, "We need to get to potions and I don't think Snape will be happy with you being late Oct and we will have a chat about this later" Faye said to me as she walked away towards the class.

Ron ran up beside me and turned to me as we were walking towards the dungeons for our class, "does your sister not like me anymore Oct" Ron asked.

I turned to him and smiled, "Ron, Faye doesn't have a problem with you, she is only worried about what your parents are going to do as I can't control my magic and well she worries about me which is not anything new really" I explained.

Ron nodded and looked back towards the floor and I knew that he was confused as he didn't really know what was happening, "Ron she will come around, you see I have a lot of excess magic and well I lost control around your parents. Due to our father no longer being around anymore I have no one to teach me the control I need" I explained to Ron.

He nodded and I felt bad about lying to him about our father but this was something that I knew he couldn't take well at the moment, we walked into the potions class and I took my seat down next to Faye and smiled as she chuckled at me, "dad isn't going to be happy with this" she whispered to me.

I looked over and smirked, "well I can always try and bring him over to our side, one less to worry about for that idiot" I said smirking.

She laughed and turned to the front as Professor Snape walked into the classroom slamming the door open making some of the students jump.

Octavia And Faye Riddle - A story of the Riddle TwinsWhere stories live. Discover now