Learning to deal with the world

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Chapter 6 – Learning to Deal with the World...

Faye's POV

I watched as my sister lost control of her magic and I knew that the Wesley's deserved what happened to them, I screamed as my sister blacked out and started to fall to the floor, acting quickly I ran over to her and caught her before she could hurt herself, I looked up to our mother and she grabbed a hold of her necklace put her hands on Octavia and I. I felt the horrible feeling of being sucked through a pipe and when I opened my eyes I noticed that we got back to the manor and mother looked over to me and smiled trying to make me feel better, "THOMAS" mother screamed.

I smirked as I knew that father could have been in a meeting, I turned back to Octavia, "it will be fine sister. Dad will be able to help you" I said.

I watched as our father popped into the study and looked around the room, I saw that he noticed that me and Oct as he walked over to us, "what happened" dad said to me.

I looked up and couldn't help the tears that came from me, "we had gone to Diagon Alley to get some school stuff and some clothes for us to wear on the weekends when we weren't at school and well we walked out of Madam Malkin's were we decided to get some lunch and Molly and Arthur Wesley were in there, mother was being polite and said hello to them but they turned vile on us telling us we shouldn't be with our parent because they are monsters and that we should have stayed away. Oct got mad and well her magic started to go out of control again and well she turned the Leakey cauldron into a mess with her mind. Dad she is going to be okay isn't she" I asked my father.

Dad smiled and took Octavia into his arms and waved his arm over her and smiled, "she is, Octavia used a lot of wand less magic and it has taken the energy out of her, so she just passed out Faye" dad explained to me.

I smiled and watched as dad took Octavia to her room and walked back into the study and wrapped his arms around our mother, "Oct is fine liv, looks like she might take after me in more than one way" dad said to me.

I smiled and sat down on the couch and looked up to them, "does this mean that I could lose control. I mean I have never seen her that angry before" I said to my parents.

Dad walked over to me and smiled, "you might have wand less magic in you but you might not, it is something that will show in its own time. But I think that your sister might be hiding a few things is all" dad said looking worried.

I shook my head and felt the tears come to my eyes, "my upbringing wasn't as bad as Octavia's was, you see when I was taken from you I was put in the same orphanage that you were put in dad, and that was where I was adopted by Mr and Mrs Granger, I knew that I wasn't there's as they told me I was adopted but they were good people to me, for muggles they treated me like I was their own. But for Oct it was different, the muggles she lived with treated her worse than a house elf dad and well there are things that i think would be best hearing from her" I explained.

Dad nodded and bent down in front of me, "I'll have a chat to her when she is ready but in the meantime maybe we can get to know each other" dad said to me.

I smiled and nodded as this would be a chance for me to get to know him as well, Dad sat down in front of me and pulled out a photo album and smiled as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder and pulled me down to hug him, "this is the album from our time in Hogwarts, this is full of memories of all 8 of us" Dad said to me.

I looked at him and he smiled, "this was your mother and I, your uncle Lucius and your aunt Narcissa, then there was your uncle Severus and Lily and last there was your uncle Sirius and Uncle Remus" Dad explained.

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