Sentencing, Naming and coming home...

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Chapter 32 – Sentencing, Naming and coming home...

I was sat there with Draco next to me as he was running his hand through her hair keeping her calm and had his other arm wrapped around me as we were waiting for the Judge and Madam Bones to make their decision, I had a bad feeling about what was about to happen as I was sure that Dumbledore was going to get away with this because there wasn't really anything on him, but I would scream if they got away as well, I was so in my thoughts that I didn't realise that Madam bones had walked back in with Judge Matthew, "please stand for sentencing" Madam Bones said.

Everyone stood and I looked down to see that she had fallen to sleep; I smiled and noticed that everything went quite, "Petunia Ava Dursley please stand" Madam Bones said.

I watched as Petunia stood and looked to her and she looked scared, "from looking into the evidence submitted you will serve 20 years in Azkaban for the neglect and abuse of Miss Octavia Riddle" Madam Bones said.

She sobbed and I noticed that she was now looking at me, I rolled my eyes and turned my attention to Draco and passed our daughter to him and smiled as he cooed at her, I saw Narcissa and Lucius smile at her and I turned back to Petunia, "what" I said.

She smiled, "I am sorry" she said to me and with the Auror took her away, Judge Matthews stood up and turned to Dudley, "Mr Dudley Vernon Dursley, you are sentenced to 15 years in Azkaban due to being sentenced as an adult from the crimes that you have committed, also once you are out you will be placed on the sex offenders register for life" Judge Matthews said to him.

He whimpered and I couldn't help the smirk to come to my face, "Mr Vernon Albert Dursley, after a lot of consideration of all the evidence that has been submitted and the answers that have been given to us from your neglect of Miss Riddle and her daughter, the mass rape you have done to her and also the money that you have been taking from Mr Albus Dumbledore for the abuse to Miss Riddle, we have agreed that you will be receiving the Kiss, for the reason of we cannot stress that we cannot have another Dark Lord or Mistress in the world." Madam Bones said while looking at him.

He snorted and turned to Judge Matthews, "I am a human being" he said to her.

Judge Matthews laughed and shook her head, "sorry but you're not, a human being does not rape and break a little girl and certainly doesn't feel happy about it" Judge Matthews snapped.

I turned to Madam Bones, "while you give him the kiss, I cannot be in the room. They have a horrible effect on me" I explained.

Madam Bones nodded and turned to the others, "Lastly Mr Albus Dumbledore, you are to be stripped of your titles and your magic and you are to live as a muggle, you like to live around muggle objects so this should be good for you" Madam Bones said and waved her hand and we all watched as his magic was taken from and his robes became normal muggle clothing.

I smirked as he disappeared and we watched as Madam Bones and Judge Matthews turned to us, "so we have also spoken about your magic and what needs to happen, due to your father no longer being around to help you with control, we noticed that your mother has recently gotten married so we have decided that he will be the one to help you with controlling your magic as you need a father figure in your life's and also if we could speak to you in private as well" Madam bones asked.

Dad nodded and I rolled my eyes, "okay then, this is everything for today, we will owl you everything you need to file from today" she said and we were dismissed.

I walked back to Dray and smiled as he stood up with our daughter in his hands and smiled at me, "we need to name her as well Oct" Draco said to me.

Octavia And Faye Riddle - A story of the Riddle TwinsWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu