Trying to have a normal week

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Chapter 26 – Trying to have a normal week

I woke the next morning to Severus shaking Faye and I, "you have classes in 1 0 minutes, you have missed breakfast and we don't want the headmaster to look into this, you are to stay at school for the remainder of the year, I know that you will miss your parents but this is going to have to be the way" Severus said to us.

We nodded and I quickly changed into my uniform and quickly kissed my parent's good bye, Faye and I ran through the Floo and out of Severus Chambers. Faye and I smirked at each other and went our separate ways, I skidded into my first class of the day which was with Professor McGonagall, noticing that there was no seats left apart from the one next to Ron, I growled and sat down, and "good morning" Professor McGonagall said.

I looked up and smiled as she nodded to me, I turned my attention back to my book as I knew that she was going to make us read something, she always did, "okay then today we are going to transfigure a stone into a sword" she said to us.

I looked up and smiled this could be a good class for a change, I watched as she walked over to her desk and grabbed a stone, "so as you all got really good grades in your owls you have been picked for this class, now I expect there to be no fighting or no explosions" she said looking to Seamus who went bright red.

I smirked and noticed that she had walked over to the stone and placed her wand over the stone, she tapped twice and said 'gladio' she said and I watched as it became a sword. I couldn't help but be amazed this was something that I could learn for my future, "okay then, so I am going to pass the stones out and you are to practice turning your stone into a sword, now don't worry if you don't get this first time as it can be difficult to get first time for people" she said and went to handing the stones out.

She handed me a stone and looked at me, "Miss Riddle" she said in her stern voice to me.

I looked to her and smiled, "what can I help you with professor" I asked.

She smiled, "it's nice to see you without Mr Malfoy for a change" she said to me.

I smiled and turned my attention back to the stone as it was something that I didn't want to speak about with Ron sat next to me, "hey Octavia" Ron said making me look to him.

I turned my attention to him and smiled, "yes Ronald" I asked.

He shook his head and looked at me, "please can we be friends again, I hate that you don't speak to me" he said.

I laughed and shook my head, "why would I want to be friends with you Ron, your nothing but a horrible person, Stay the hell away from me" I snapped.

He looked hurt and turned to me, "I know what I did was wrong and I am sorry, but I thought that you forgave me on that" he said.

I snorted and shook my head, "the only reason I deal with you is because of Faye, she wants to keep being friends with you and plus I believe that you and Draco don't get along" I said.

Ron looked at me confused, "what does this have to do with that git" he snapped.

I laughed and turned to him, "mind what you say about Draco in my presence, that's my man you're talking about" I said to him.

He looked shocked and turned to me red in the face, "after everything he said about Faye, you have decided to date that ferret" Ron shouted at me.

I noticed that we had the attention of the class and the professor and knew that I needed to get this calmed down before we both got detention, "Weasley just back off, what Draco and I do in our time is our business, plus you're the one who said that you couldn't be friends with a Riddle" I said to him and turned to the professor, "please may I move" I asked.

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