Ma and Pa

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I watched as Faye and I walked through the room which looked like a large sitting room but for some reason it seemed to be really homely with the flicker of the flames from the fireplace and we noticed that we were in a lovely home and I couldn't help but look around in awe as this was something that I had always wanted. I noticed that our parents were stood on the other side of the room letting us have a look and I noticed that Faye was stood right next to me, "it's lovely in here harls" she said to me.

I smiled at her and nodded, "I know and I think that all the other rooms would be as well" I said to her.

As we finished looking around the rooms I noticed that my mother has be staring at us as we had been looking around, "sorry I didn't mean to stare, it's beautiful in here" I said to her.

She smiled and nodded as she took my hand and gently pulled me down so I was sat between both my parents with Hermione in the middle as well and we both watched as our mother went and pulled out a pad and a pen and went to writing things down on it, while I watched my mother do this I took a deep breath and turned to my father and smiled, "father could I ask you something" I asked.

He smiled and took my hand, "of course Oct" he said to me.

I smiled at the name and nodded, "did you have any idea that I was your daughter before this, I mean when I was Harley" I asked him.

I noticed that he looked worried and turned to look at our mother who just nodded at him to speak to me, "Oct when you were Harley I did some horrible things to you because I thought that the potters had killed you, when your idiot headmaster told us that we would never find you two, he mentioned some orb with us and the potters saying that the potter girl would be the downfall to this family, when I heard that you had survived the killing curse I decided that the potter kid needed to die, I didn't for a moment believe that you would be Octavia" he explained to me.

I nodded and looked to him and smiled, "you are forgiven daddy" I said and kissed his cheek.

I watched as he smiled and wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me in for a cuddle, "I promise you that you will never be taken from us again, you and your sister are the most important people to your mother and I" dad explained.

I smiled and turned to him again, "did you ever come close to finding out why we had been taken to the potters and the grangers at all" I asked.

My father shook his head and I could tell that this was a difficult conversation for him, "I am sorry if this is something you do not wish to speak about" Faye said.

He laughed and shook his head, "of course not, let me start at the beginning and then if there is anything else you want to now we are more than happy to answer them" father said to us.

We both smiled and sat back as mother put her arms around the both of us and started the story with my father.

Tom's POV

20th December 1985

It has been raining on and off all day and Olivia has been stuck inside all day as she couldn't really move around too much due to nearly being due with the twins, it was almost Christmas and I had just finished putting up the tree when Lucius came out to me "Tom your wife's waters have just broken and your twins are on the way" he said to me.

I looked over to him and smiled, "thank you Lucius, please let Cissa now that the twins are on their way" I said and dropped the lights that I was doing and I ran into the room where my wife was and kissed Olivia on the forehead.

I watched as Olivia was not pleased with me as she mentioned that all the pain she was in was my fault, I smiled at her and we called the medi-healer who had been with us since we had found out about the twins. We had been told that twins in the magical community was very rare and that we needed someone to keep an eye on the twins pregnancy. I watched as she starting helping Olivia through the contractions and smiled as she said that the twins would be born soon as her contractions were getting closer and closer together. When it was time I watched as she came to me to help with the delivery. It was 7 hours and 40 minutes later and our daughter Octavia made her appearance and was passed to me, looking down to this little bundle I couldn't believe that she was all mine and Olivia's to love and spoil rotten with anything that they wanted as they grew up, it was also that we noticed that on the ends of her black hair it was a very emerald green but before I could mention anything it was then with another scream that Liv gave birth to our other daughter Faye who was just like her sister but with blood red at the ends of her hair and they were only born 5 minutes apart.

Octavia And Faye Riddle - A story of the Riddle TwinsWhere stories live. Discover now