Potions with snape...

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Chapter 2 – Potions with Snape

It had been a long night with all the sorting of the new students and then Dumbledore telling us that the forbidden forest was still off limits to students while looking at me and my friends, I smiled and nodded my head to say that I understood and he went back to the speech that he was giving, but for the first time there was something about Dumbledore that he forgot to hide, going back to listening to him I caught the end of the speech that for the first time this year that we had the ministry of magic teaching at the school, Miss Umbridge. I watched as she decided that she wanted to speak to the school and I knew that I was not going to like her one bit.

I rolled over in my bed and looked at the time and knew I was in shit, "fuck, Snape is going to kill me" I snapped as I got out of bed and quickly got into the shower and changed as I walked down the hall to our potions class.

I ran into the class and noticed that Snape looked up at me, "Miss potter you are late, 20 points from Gryffindor" Snape said.

I moaned as I sat down in the only seat there was which was next to Malfoy; sighing to myself I pulled out my book from my bag and began to listen to Snape babble on.

"Okay so today we are going to do a family spell which is called 'familia invenire' which is English for" he asked.

I put my hand up and watched as he smirked, "Miss Potter" he said.

I smirked as I was returning the smile to him, "to find family" I said.

He nodded and turned to the board, "on page 235 of your book you find the spell and potion needed for this and once this is finished you will need to put in three drops of your blood for this to work and tell you what you should already know" Snape said to us.

We all nodded and I turned to Draco, "can we just do this and then move on to hating each other again, because my grade in this class is shit as the professor seems to have something against me" I asked.

Draco nodded and turned to me, "I need a good grade in this class as well so yeah truce for now" he said.

I smirked and for a moment I swore I could see a smile on his face and we went to getting what we needed, I went for the ingredients that had been in the book and Draco got the fire and pots that where needed, after 2 hours Draco and I had finished our potion and Snape walked over to us and smiled, "good the right colour as well, okay so what I am going to do is pour this in the vial on to the parchment and then get blood from the both of you and put it on the parchment for you to read." He explained.

We both nodded and noticed that we were being stared at, "okay the potion has been poured on, now Draco you're first" Snape said.

Draco cut his finger and looked down to the parchment as words began to show up.

Name: Draco Lucius Malfoy
Mother: Narcissa Malfoy (nee black)
Father: Lucius Malfoy
Brothers: None
Sisters: None

Draco looked down and smiled as he turned his attention to Snape and smiled, "seems like you have done a perfect potion, now Miss Potter your turn" Snape said to me..

Sighing I nodded and went to cutting my finger and looking down to the parchment and to be honest I could not believe my eyes;

Adopted Name: Harleen Lily Potter
Real Name: Octavia Lilith Riddle
Adopted Mother: Lilly Potter
Mother: Olivia Sarah Riddle (Nee Malfoy)
Adopted Father: James Potter
Father: Thomas Marvolo Riddle
Brothers: None
Sisters: Faye Olivia Riddle (Identical Twin)

I looked down to the parchment and felt the tears in my eyes as I realised that everything I had been told was a lie. I noticed that Draco and Snape were both looking at me and he turned to the class, "continue with the potion I do not want to hear anything from any of you" Snape snapped and turned to me before I could say anything we heard another voice, "sit" I heard Snape say to Hermione.

I watched as she walked over to me and placed her parchment down on top of mine and smiled, "Not now miss ganger" Snape snapped.

"You will want to see this" she said and I turned my head to the table to see that she has done the potion as well and was holding out the parchment for me to see as well.

Adopted Name: Hermione Granger
Real Name: Faye Olivia Riddle
Adopted Mother: Mrs Granger
Mother: Olivia Sarah Riddle (Nee Malfoy)
Adopted Father: Mr Granger
Father: Thomas Marvolo Riddle
Brothers: None
Sisters: Octavia Lilith Riddle (Identical Twin)

Snape grabbed me and Hermione by the arm and pulled us to his quarters where he pointed to the two seats for us to sit down, "I get that this must be a shock to you both and that I am sure that you have questions but you need to come with me, the headmaster cannot know about this" Snape said to us both.

I looked over to him and shook my head, "I don't like or trust you Snape, all you have done since meeting me is make my life a living hell, I will never trust you Severus" I snapped and ran out of the office with Hermione behind me, I grabbed a hold of the parchment for both Hermione and I and left the potions room.

I stopped when I knew that I was out of reach of Snape and turned around to see that Ron had walked over to us and wrapped his arms around my shoulders, "what happened in there, you looked like you have been given the worst news in the world, plus did you yell at the professor Harley" Ron said to me.

I looked to him and shook my head feeling the tears come down my face, "the potion works but I have found out that I am adopted, and that isn't even the worst part of it" I said tears still running down my face.

Hermione gently sat me down on the bench and took my hand as she looked at me, "I am taking it that yours was the same as mine apart from the names, as I didn't get to see yours properly" she asked me.

I looked up at her and nodded my head, I passed her mine and noticed that she looked over to it and shook her head, I thought the same thing as he as I believed that it couldn't be real no way could I be a Riddle, I mean the man was Lord Voldermort, and to top it off the spell said that I was an identical twin as well, I turned to Ron and noticed that he was looking for an answer from us both "the potion that we made works and well the potion showed that I am A riddle and that Hermione here is my twin sister, no offence mione but we don't even look alike" I snapped.

Ron looked up to me and shook his head, "come on were going to Dumbledore, he should be able to straighten this all out and tell you that it was wrong Harley" Ron said to me.

I nodded and we all walked up to the headmasters office but I did notice that Ron was behind me and it hurt me to see he was already pulling away from me, keeping my emotions to myself and deciding that I could deal with this, we walked into the headmasters office where the headmaster was smiling at us. "Aww miss granger, potter and Mr Wesley" the headmaster said to us all.

"Can we ask you about these" I asked handing over the parchment to him.

What we didn't expect was the look of hate in his eyes, I knew that there was something that he was hiding from us and I think that I had found out what it was, "how did you find out" he roared at us.

I looked down to him and smirked, "Professor Snape Sir, he said that you asked for him to a family spell to help us see where we came from" I said smirking at him.

He growled and I looked over to him and noticed that he had his wand in his hand and I panicked, quickly grabbing Hermione I pulled her behind me and smirked at the headmaster, "seems like your lies are coming out albus" I said.

Octavia And Faye Riddle - A story of the Riddle TwinsWhere stories live. Discover now