Aunt Lily

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Chapter 18 – Aunt Lily

I looked over to her and smiled as she was looking around me and turned up, "I am sorry that I didn't give you back to your parents, but Albus cannot know that I am family to Tom" she said to me.

I looked at her and was confused, "what do you mean family" I asked.

She smiled and took my hand as she sat down and passed me a photo-frame with a picture of two small children, "this is my brother Tom, your father" she explained to me.

I smirked and turned to her, "your brother now has his children back and uncle Sev is broken without you Aunt Lily so I have come here to take you back to your husband and for your daughter to meet her father" I explained.

She smiled and shook her head, "I cannot not hunny, Albus has made sure that I cannot leave here, there is wards around this house that I cannot leave" she explained to me.

I looked to her and smiled, "if I can get the wards down will you come with me to Sev" I asked.

She smiled and looked to her daughter, "Caden this is your cousin Octavia" Lily said.

I smiled and walked over to her and bent down, "it's very nice to meet you, now why don't you come out of there so I can see you properly" I asked.

She smiled and pulled herself out of the small hole and I turned to Lily, "James is still alive isn't he" I asked.

She nodded and she looked scared, "he does everything that albus asks and he treats Camden horribly, I mean he is horrible to her because she reminds him of Severus" Lily said to me.

I growled and felt my magic react to it, "I take after dad, leave James and these wards to me, go and pack up aunt lily I am taking you to Sev" I explained and watched as she took off upstairs to get some clothes and things that she needed.

I heard the door open and I turned to face James and he looked at me like I was some monster, "who the hell are you" he snarled at me.

"My name is Octavia Lilith Riddle, but you and Albus would know me better as Harleen Lily Potter" I snapped.

He looked at me and I saw tears in his eyes, "Harley" he said as he walked towards me.

I stood back and noticed that now Lily and Caden were at the top of the stairs listening to me, "no not Harley, you left me with Lily's sister and husband and then you let albus pay the Dursley's to abuse me, did you know that they raped me and made me there play toy, I hate you for what you did to me and I swear that you are going to pay for what you did to me" I screamed at him.

I felt the magic go on me and knew that I wouldn't be able to control it, "wards are down aunt lily, please go and find someone because this is going to be painful" I said and pulled my magic back in for her to get out of harm's way.

"Harley you need to calm down" James said to me.

I looked at him and felt the anger come back to me, "you were supposed to protect me James and make sure that no one would hurt me, but because you were so up your own ass you decided that I would be fine with someone else. You failed me James and you are going to pay for this" I screamed at him and felt my magic release.

Severus POV

I watched as my niece walked out of the office and I knew that she was going to do something reckless as she just had that look in her eye, sighing as I knew that I wouldn't be able to stop her I walked out of the office and noticed that she was scaring my students which made me laugh, "thank you Miss Riddle" I said and smirked as she said bye to me by calling me uncle Sev.

I shook my head at her fondly and turned my attention back to my class, "if you have time to stare at me it means that you have finished your potion" I sneered at the class and watched as they all went back to work.

I could hear a small group of children speaking about my niece and knew that she was being slandered because of her parents mainly her father, "anymore speak of my niece and her parentage I will start taking points away from your house" I snapped.

Everyone went back to their work, I went back into my office to look at some papers that needed grading when I heard a yell of my name in the voice I never thought I would here again, "SERVERUS" she screamed.

I ran out of my office and there stood my wife who was older but she was still my lily, "please I need your help, Octavia found me and well she found out what james had been doing and she is losing control of her magic, god Sev she is my brother" Lily sobbed to me.

I smiled at her and turned to the class, "Dismissed" I yelled and ran out of the class with Lily and some child that I didn't recognise.

I pushed into the DADA class and noticed that Remus was finishing up, "Dismissed, everyone to your next class apart from Miss Riddle and Mr Malfoy" I snapped.

I watched as everyone left and Sirius was looking at Lily, "Li" Sirius said.

I turned to him and shook my head, "later, Octavia found her and found that James has been abusing Lily, she is losing control of her magic and I cannot locate her, Faye can you or Draco sense her" I asked turning my attention on the two youngsters.

Draco looked at me and shook his head, "nothing" he said to me.

I sighed and turned to Faye, "I have her, she is on a small island with a house, she is losing control of all her magic uncle Sev, and we need to get to her now" she shouted.

I nodded and walked over to her and smiled, "Can you picture the house" I asked her.

She nodded and I turned to Draco holding my hand out, "Focus on that house Faye and take us to it" I explained and smiled as it felt like I was being pulled through a tube.

I opened my eyes to see the mess that Octavia had made and knew that I needed to get her to calm down, "Draco I need you to calm her down, this isn't going to be good if she kills someone" I explained.

Draco nodded and walked over to Octavia and smiled as she turned to him with tears in her eyes, "he's an ass" she screamed.

I turned my attention to James and noticed that he looked hurt, I walked over to him and pulled him up and pushed him to Faye, "take him to your father and make sure that he gets your uncle Lucius there as well. Once you have finished I need you to go back to school as I cannot have the headmaster finding out about you not being in school again" I explained.

She nodded and focused on her father, I watched as she left the same way as we arrived and I turned my attention back to Oct and Draco as the waves of magic was slowing down, "Oct come back to me" Draco said to her.

I watched as Octavia closed her eyes and took a deep breath, "sorry I didn't think that my magic was that bad, Uncle Sev did lily find you" she asked me.

I smiled and walked over to her and cuddled her into me, "thank you for finding her for me sweetie" I said to her and grabbed a hold of Draco and Oct and went back to the castle.

I noticed that lily, this child, Remus and Sirius was in the chambers waiting for me and I noticed that Faye popped in as well, "Oct" she said and ran to her sister hugging her.

I smiled and I walked over to lily and pulled her to me and smiled as she sobbed, "Sev I am so sorry, if I would have known that Albus put a charm on me I would have come back straight away" she said to me.

I smiled and kissed her head, "no come on don't cry lily, you know that I don't like it when you cry baby" I said to her.

She laughed and turned her attention to a child and held her hand out, "Caden, I would like you to meet your father, Severus this is our daughter Caden Ellen Snape" lily said to me.

I looked to my daughter and smiled as she looked so much like her mother apart from the pure black hair and black eyes, "mum has told me all about you, and its finally nice to meet you" she said to me.

Octavia And Faye Riddle - A story of the Riddle TwinsWhere stories live. Discover now