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Chapter 30 – COURT...

I looked around and noticed that we weren't the only ones here, there was Molly, Arthur and their children including Ron and Ginny who were not looking at Faye or I which I smirked at and walked over to Lily and smiled, "are you okay" she asked me.

I shook my head and smiled as she wrapped her arms around my shoulders and kissed my head, "your be okay I promise you" she said and I noticed my mother had turned to me, "okay because your underage, you need to have a parent with you at all times, this will be me because your father isn't around anymore, also when you are asked questions you need to answer them and then give the magical part over to Madam Bones as this is both muggle and Magical" she explained.

I looked confused and noticed that I wasn't the only one, "because the people you lived with are muggles and don't have any magical blood in them they will be looked at me the muggle courts and because of what albus has been doing to you, the magical courts will be doing that. Also we have asked for Umbridge to be looked into as well" she said,

I nodded and noticed that Ron was looking at my hand, I rolled my eyes and walked over to our mother, and "come on sweetie" Mum said to me.

We walked into the court room and I saw that the Dursley's were there with their son and Dumbledore as well, I smirked as I walked up to the court floor and over to the muggle court official, "good morning, I believe my mother mention about the recording of the meeting that we had with the Dursley's when we were trying to have a peaceful dinner" I said handing my mobile over to her.

She smiled and nodded, "yes your mother did mention it, thank you for being here today" she said to me and I nodded and I walked over to my mother and sat down, I watched as Petunia looked really pale after that.

It was only another 10 minutes and everyone was in there and I watched as Madam Bones stood up and addressed the court, "this is a hearing for Octavia Lilith Riddle who used to be known as Harleen Lily Potter, there has been some horrible truths that have been brought forward, first is that Miss Riddle here has been abused by the protectors that she was placed with, Second is that the will that was left by Mrs Lily and Mr James Potter was not listened to and gone against, third is that the current headmaster of Hogwarts is making student life different for Miss Faye and Octavia Riddle and lastly is for Professor Umbridge for the use of dark artefacts on students" Madam Bones said.

She looked over to the muggle official and smiled, "is there anything else that has been added to yours that I am not aware of" she asked.

She shook her head and Madam Bones turned to me and smiled, "now Miss Riddle please could you come up here and let us speak to you" she asked.

I smiled and nodded, I got up and walked over to the stand where she got down and smiled at me, "now this is going to be the easy part, Professor Umbridge, what lessons did she teach at the school" Madam Bones asked me.

I smiled and turned to her, "she taught History there, but I believe that she wanted the DADA positions, but I believe that the headmaster gave that to Professor Lupin and Black" I explained.

She smiled and nodded, "yes that is correct, do you know why the headmaster didn't want our people at the school" she asked me.

I looked to McGonagall and then back to her, "I was told because he didn't want people looking into the way he was running the school" I explained.

She smiled and turned to Professor Umbridge, "do you admit to using a blood quill on Miss Riddle here" Madam Bones asked.

Umbridge smirked and shook her head, "no I did not" she lied.

Octavia And Faye Riddle - A story of the Riddle TwinsWhere stories live. Discover now