Starting to Get Better

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Chapter 22 – Starting to get better

I woke to being very warm and someone talking, opening my eyes I looked up and saw my father who was smiling down at me, "hey sleepy head, your sister is still asleep" dad said to me.

I looked over and noticed that Faye was fast asleep and I turned to dad and laid my head back down, "ahh no more sleeping princess, daddy needs you to stay awake, otherwise you are not going to sleep this evening" dad said.

I nodded and didn't move as I was comfy on my father's lap, I looked around the room and noticed that Caden was asleep on Sev but she looked like she had been crying, "Sev" I asked.

Severus looked up and smiled, "it was all a bit too much for her is all sweetie, she is worried about you" Sev said to me.

I wiggled to the edge of my father's lap and smirked as he growled, "you were keeping me warm hunny" dad said to me.

I looked over to them and smiled, "well I am sure that Faye can keep you warm" I said and hopped off and walked over to Severus and Lily where Caden was looking at me from waking up.

I bent down so I was level with her and smiled, "hey" I said.

She smiled and I noticed that she wasn't going to speak much, "now I know that I scared a lot of you back there and Caden I really am sorry about that. Do you want to speak to me about it, as I think it will be good, it seems that your father was right" I said rolling my eyes.

Severus laughed, "I am always right Oct" Sev said to me.

I smirked and turned to Sev, "not always, remember when Faye and I were able to out duel you in second year" I said smirking as he scowled at me.

I heard a snort and noticed that Draco was looking at me, "yeah because you cheated with a snake" dray said.

I smirked and crossed my arms, "not my fault you can't speak to snakes at all" I said smirking.

He stuck his tongue out at me and I laughed as I turned back to Caden, "when you come to school, were make sure that your with us, the other houses are not great" I said and turned to Lily, "thank you for taking care of me" I said and kissed her cheek.

Dad smiled and I noticed that Faye was awake and was looking at me with tears in her eyes, "are you okay" she asked me.

I smiled and nodded, "yeah sis, I am fine" I explained.

She nodded but I knew that she didn't believe me, I smirked and grabbed a hold of her hand and dragged her out of the room, she looked strangely at me and I pulled her into my room and closed the door, I knew that Draco wouldn't follow as he was being spoken to by my father."I think that it is time that we have some fun here, I mean with all the talks and court I think the atmosphere is low around here, plus I think that Caden needs some cheering up as well" I said to Faye.

She smiled and turned to me, "and what pray tell do you want to do" she asked me.

I smiled and sat down on the bed, "I thought that we might be able to convince dad to take us out to the cinema, I know that Draco and his family don't know what a cinema is and I think that this could be some fun for us, plus it will make them understand some of the muggle ways. I always loved the cinema" I said to her.

She smiled and nodded her head, "that is the one thing I am amazed that our world didn't take from them" Faye said to me.

I nodded and looked over, "we will have to convince them to wear muggle clothing though" I said looking serious.

Octavia And Faye Riddle - A story of the Riddle TwinsWhere stories live. Discover now