Chapter 6: Beacon Days VI

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Ozpin was suspiciously nice enough to let me go with the students and Goodwitch to the forest of Forever Fall, on the condition that I stay with Ruby, not that I mind being around her. I was telling team CFVY about the trip before we left, Velvet was happy for me that I could finally go someplace else even if it was temporary. Coco and the others wished me luck as I left to get on the airship with the rest of the students. I was hesitant at first, standing at the edge of the courtyard where it met the bridge to the landing zone, Goodwitch must have seen me standing there and sent Ruby over.

I was looking at a mark on the ground I had made, I knew that was where Beacon ended for me and the pain would start. But when Ruby came up to me I slowly took a step forward, the pain was small and brief as she came next to me. The view from the window was refreshing, it had been too long since I left Beacon. But as we got off the airship and started walking through Forever Fall, I started to remember the first mission team STRQ went on. It was an extermination mission out here, the trees and grass are red and as beautiful as I remember.

Summer: "Isn't this place just lovely?"

Raven: "Focus, we're here on a mission."

Ruby: "(F/N)?" I turned around. "Are you okay?"

(F/N): "Yeah... just lost in thought."

Ruby: "But you're crying..."

(F/N): "It's nothing, let's get going."

I started walking again with Ruby and the rest of the class. It's funny, I remember a time when this land was barren, no trees, grass, or wildlife, sadly the only other person I can reminisce about the old days is Ozpin. There was Salem, but she's probably still mad at me for... things I may or may not have done. I focused back on Goodwitch and that fine walk of hers, which I've decided never to say aloud again after what happened last time.

Glynda: "Yes students, the Forest of Forever Fall is indeed beautiful. But we are not here to sight-see. Professor Peaches asked all of you to collect samples from the trees deep inside this forest. And I am here to make sure that none of you die while doing so."

(F/N): Talking under my breath. "All fear the mighty Goodbitch."

Glynda: "Do you have something you'd like to say (F/N)?" She stops and glares at me.

(F/N): "I was just wondering how you manage to walk after taking Ozpin's cane so far up your-"

Glynda: "Do you want to be sent back to Beacon?"

(F/N): "Yeah, keep doing that, dangle the fact that I'm a prisoner in my face."

Glynda: "Moving on. Each of you is to gather one jar's worth of red sap. However, this forest is full of the creatures of Grimm, so be sure to stay by your teammates. We will rendezvous back here at four o'clock." She walks off, other students start heading out, but I notice Jaune go with Cardin.

Blake: "What was that about?" I look back at the girls.

(F/N): "Nothing." I take an extra jar from Ruby. "I'll show you how to get sap quickly." 

Red Sap was always a treat to have, Summer even once tried to make Red Sap cookies, it didn't end well but I still ate all of them. I wouldn't have minded getting her more Red Sap, I even asked Ozpin if I could get some more, he insisted that he'd have someone else do it. It's not exactly romantic if you have someone else do all the work for you. I knew she had a sweet tooth and I wanted to make her something special, but even after I agreed to let someone else get the sap it never came. Right now I'm sitting with my back against a tree and a jar on my head as the sap slowly collects in it. I had closed my eyes and was thinking of the good times with team STRQ and some 'wholesome' fantasies about Summer and Raven, at least I was until Weiss broke the peaceful silence with her banshee of a voice.

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