Chapter 37: The Journey VI

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Third Person POV

In the lower levels of the White Fang compound, where the prison could be found, only one cell seemed full as four guards stood alert near it. Two opposite of it and two beside it, all with their weapons relaxed. Footsteps echoed as Ada walked down the hallway, the first guard to notice her straightened up and stood at attention, the rest did the same. As she reached the cell that contained Sienna, Ada ordered the guards to leave them. They did so, though some thought they wouldn't return to that post after they did. Sitting on her bed which sat opposite the cell bars, Sienna leaned forward as she looked at Ada with both amusement and bitterness.

Sienna: "Tired of being the leader already or are you just here to gloat?"

Ada: "I did what was needed and I knew you wouldn't cooperate."

Sienna: "Of course I wouldn't and I'm surprised that you would." Ada looked to her sides, seeing no one around.

Ada: "What I'm about to say isn't as the leader or as a member of the White Fang." She reached for her mask and slowly took it off. "I'm speaking as one Faunus to another." Sienna saw what she had only seen once before, three letters branded across Ada's face, a gift from the Schnee Dust Company.

Sienna: "Alright, one Faunus to another." she said skeptically, though she had no reason to trust or listen to Ada, she knew when it came to that mask removing it was like tearing down a wall between Ada and everything around her. "So what did you come here to say?"

Ada: "For our people, don't do anything that would cause us trouble." She said in a calm, almost requesting tone. "That man before, I saw the power his allies have, then and there I made the decision to protect us from them the only way I could. I sided with them and as a result, you saw what happened to Vale, now imagine that happening to us." Sienna stood up and walked over to the bars of her cell, never breaking eye contact with Ada.

Sienna: "You're scared of them."

Ada: "Semblances are one thing, what they have is completely different."

Sienna: "How exactly?"

Ada: "Have you never read the Tale of Two Brothers?"

Sienna: "You're joking." Ada's eyes were serious. "I have no reason to trust you after what you did... but if it was you from before, then I might just humor your words." She walked back to her bed and sat down. "If they're anything like normal humans and you want to protect the Faunus, make sure you don't become useless to them."

Ada: "I know, that's why I came here, to make sure you don't cause any problems while we start." She turned and started to walk away.

Sienna: "Start what?"

Her voice echoed as she asked loudly but no answer was given as Ada's footsteps could be heard slowly fading away. In a dream, those footsteps could still be heard, growing with each passing moment. It was a dark place, one of ruin and crushed hopes. Standing alone in what remained of the cafeteria, Yang looked around horrified, all alone with nothing but the sound of footsteps circling her. She shouted in fear for the person to show themselves. Stepping out from the shadows, Ada appeared and simply started walking towards Yang. As the footsteps grew louder Yang began to shake and step back. Voices joined in with the footsteps, mocking Yang as her back hit a pillar.

Ruby: "Get away from her!" Ruby and the rest of the team appeared from the darkness and charged Ada.

Yang: "Ruby, no!" She watched helplessly as her sister and teammates were slaughtered. "No."

She cried as she fell to her knees, weaponless, useless, and hopeless. Ada walked over, putting her red blade away. All the taunting and mocking voices stopped the moment Ada pulled Yang's head up by her hair. Yang's eyes were a display of fear intertwined with sadness. Ada spoke in a cold way that pierced Yang, her words bringing more tears to Yang's eyes. Once done, Ada let go of Yang and took the hilt of her blade, in one quick motion she decapitated the blond girl. Waking with shortness of breath, Yang sat up in her bed, safe in her room. Slowly, a moment later, she made her way downstairs for something to drink and calm down.

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