chapter 33

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Misas POV
I kept banging but he didnt answer. Only one thing to do. I backed up and ran and slammed the Door open with my foot. It busted open, breaking the frame. Cheap as shit for a fancy ass hotel. I ran in and saw beer bottle all over the place. Shattered, and the stench of alcohol corrupted my sense of smell and I tried to not cough.

I ran to the bathroom and busted down the door as well. It swung open and there I saw, Grayson Bailey Dolan, with a hand full of white pills. He was just about to put them in his mouth when he saw me, when I quickly ran over to him and slapped them out of his hand. " Grayson What the fuck no!" I yelled. I stared at him, hearing the clinking of the pills falling on the floor. He went pale, his eyes wide, and he stopoed breathing.

" m-m-misa?" He whispered while studdering. " Baby its me. I'm here."  Whispered back and he fell back and against the wall. He slid down to the bathroom floor and was silent. I kneeled next to him and put my hands on his face to make him look at me. " baby its me. Gray I'm here." I whispered again and he shook his head. Tears began to stream down his face while he kept shaking his head. As if he thought I was a image of his imagination. " No. No. No. Its not real. Your not here." He cried into my hands. He squeezed them into his hands and sobbed. His body bouncing a bit as he cried.

I began to cry too. I gripped his hands and lifted his chin with my finger. I made him look into my eyes. "Grayson look and listen to me. Its me. All of me. " I whispered and then I lenaed in and planted a kiss in his lips. Once our lips touched, shivers moved through my whole body and increased as it made its way down my spine. It felt as if I was being shocked back to life again, though this was sensational. He placed his hands on my cheeks and pulled me closer.

Our kiss deepend, and increased with passion. Every second Our lips touched, the passion increased. our lips kept interlocking and moving with sink, until he pulled away slowly, breathing heavily. " its really you." He stated and he began to tear up again. " yes, I'm here. And I'll always be here." I whispered back. Our foreheads were pressed together, his fave only inches apart, and I never felt better. We sat there for a good minute, in silence. Nothing but the sounds of our breathing and the sounds of the New York streets.

" please don't leave me again... Misa please don't. promise me." He was crying again and I nodded.
"I promise." I whispered.

" I'm not going anywhere."

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