The Test (Part 1)

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~Emi's P.O.V~

"All right you four," Kakashi says. "This test will be simple. Just get these bells away from me, and you pass." He holds up three bells.

"Hold on," Sakura says. "Why are there only three bells?"


"It's to make sure one of us fails," I say, cutting Kakashi off.

"Exactly," he nods, "You have until noon. If you don't have a bell, you will be tied to the post, and will not get lunch.Your time starts-" Kakashi doesn't get to finish before Naruto runs at him, kunai in hand. Kakashi stops him, him having the kunai dangerously close to Naruto's cheek.

"I didn't say go yet," Kakashi states, calmly pushing Naruto to the ground, and continuing, "Your time start's now!" Me, Sasuke, and Sakura disappear.

Soon, Sakura comes face to face with Kakashi, and screams. I run into the direction of her scream, and find her fainted. "Genjutsu," I chant while I make a hand sign, "Release!"

Sakura opens her eyes.

"Hey, listen-"

She cuts me off, "NO! I don't want to hear it. Sasuke-kun is MINE. Got it? Mine! If you ever say his name or even go near MY Sasuke-kun again, I WILL KILL YOU!" She threatens me with her kunai and then storms off.

Sakura is so yandere! I think to myself. I roll my eyes, jump back into the trees, and search for Sasuke. I find him in a tree. I tap him on the shoulder. He stiffens, and i put my hand on his back.

"Relax." I say, "It's just me." He relaxes, and looks at me.

"Listen," I start, "I have a plan, but it would require some assistance."

"I'm listening," he says.

I explain the plan in detail to Sasuke and we set off in search for Kakashi.

Soon, as I expected, Kakashi and Sasuke come face to face, and start fighting. I wait for five or six minutes, then make my move. While Kakashi is busy, I sneak around him, grab two bells, replace them with fake ones, and run. Kakashi soon put's Sasuke in the ground, so his head is showing. He then disappears. I walk back to Sasuke, and hold up the bells, triumphantly.

"Good job," Sasuke congratulates, "You got them." I nod. Just then Sakura runs up, looks at Sasuke, screams, and faints. I break the ground so Sasuke can get up. Then, I sit on the ground, and he follows. I lace my fingers through his, and lay my head on his shoulder. (A/N: Eeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!! So CUTE!)

Sakura wakes up, and sits up. She looks up to see me and Sasuke looking at her. "YOU!" she hisses, grabing a kunai, "I warned you." She throws the kunai at me. I try to dodge, but it cuts my cheek. I wince. She's about to throw another, but Sasuke stops her.

"Leave her alone, Sakura," he orders.


A/N: Wow another chapter done! I will make part 2 sometime during the day, but idk when. Thx for reading this far, leave a like if u enjoy!!

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