Trained Battle

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~3rd person~

Emi woke up from her slumber, All four of the genin had finished their Chakra control training and would soon spar.

She got dressed in a midnight blue turtle neck t-shirt of Sasuke's with the Uchiha crest on the back, with some light grey shorts, she strapped her forehead protector lightly around her neck to she wouldn't suffocate. She strapped her shurkien Holster around her right leg and unwrapped bandages around her forearms and knuckles.

She sighed, letting out the trapped air from her disinfecting kunai wound from Sakura. She bandaged the stab mark, wrapping it tightly around the wound. She released the pent up breathe when it was over, rubbing slightly over the bandages, slightly flinching when she pressed down on the spot where sakura had stabbed her.

"Hey," Sasuke says, "you alright?"

Emi nodded. "I'm fine. But Sakura defiantly stabbed my arm pretty deep. What the hell is her problem?"

"Don't ask me." He replies. "I don't know." Emi gives him a slight glare, but then She softens her expression, and hugs him. He kisses her forehead.

"Last one out is a rotten egg!" Emi's eyes sparkle with mischief.

"You're on!" Sasuke says.

"Alright, ready....." Emi says. "Set.......GO!" She takes of running. Sasuke manages to over take her, and ends up winning. Emi looked up to see Sakura glaring at her. She looks away.

~Emi P.O.V~

"Alright," Kakashi says, "Lets get started." He points to me. "Emi, you're sparing Sakura," Sasuke visibly stiffens at that statement. "And Naruto is sparing Sasuke." Me and Sakura got into our fighting stances. "GO!" Kakashi says.

Sakura rushed at me with a kunai, rather slow.. She swiped her kunai, Aiming for my throat, I leaned out the way pushing her arm in the opposite direction, My eyes bolted open, wider than most of the times my eyes had opened, the only other time my eyes have gone bigger than this was when... it happened. I could see full killing extent in her eyes. She used her heel to turn around. Swiping down and throwing the kunai, It hit my leg, Causing a cut.

I stumbled to the side. She rushed toward me. I slipped my good leg under hers, Knocking her to the ground, A loud thump was heard as Sakura fell on the ground. Using my right hand to stand with my left hand to do a hand stand to walk to her kind of, yes i've meet Gai.

She pushed me to the ground. Sliding on my butt to the side of a tree using the mystic palm technique on slash I Stood up, slightly wobbling. Sakura let out a war cry before rushing at me. I stood there, making Hand signs.

"FIRE STYLE: PHOENIX FLAME JUTSU!" A large almost phoenix like flame erupted out of the earth striking her with a uppercut. She fell to the ground unconscious.

I could kill someone like her, but I could not kill a teammate.

Phoenix Princess (Sasuke love story) *COMPLETED*Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant