The 10 rookies, together again! (and Sasu gets his ass kicked)

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~Emi's P.O.V~

It was the end of the three days. I filled my form out and met my team at the designated building.

"You showed up, Emi." Sasuke says, clearly surprised.

"Sasuke, I would never miss the Exams." I say.

"I wanna be a chunin. I wanna become stronger." Sasuke looks at me with surprise. I smirk. We hand our forms in, and walk inside. Sakura catches up with us. I turn.

"Oh, look who showed up." I say in a mocking tone. She grits her teeth.

"I wasn't gonna back down!" she yells. "Why dont you back down, Emi? This is something that you couldn't possibly handle!"

"How dare you assume I cant do this!" I yell. Sakura's eyes widen.

"I will do this, you hear? I wont be a genin forever! I'm gonna make sure to surpass you! Then you'd have to give me respect, because I'll be a chunin, and You won't! It's you that should back down, Sakura! You're the weakness in our team! Me, Naruto, and Sasuke have all risked our lives to protect the Bridge Builder! What did you do all that time? hm...I wonder. Nothing! Nothing except, hurt me physically and emotionally! Not to mention.........!"

"Emi." Sasuke cut me off. "That's enough. you need to calm down." I glare at Sakura. She glares back. You can practically see the electricity between us. I look away.

We walk up to the 2nd floor. there is two guys, blocking the entrance. to the exam room. I notice immediately that this is a genjutsu to make it look like we're on the 3rd floor.

I walk up to the two guys. "Hey!" I say. "Do us all a favor and break this genjutsu? we're only on the 2nd floor. the real room 3-2 is one floor above us. so, break this. thank you."

We are confronted by three people. "Hey!" one of them says. I turn. The guy who yelled was none other than Neji Hyuga. Crap. I think.

"What do you want, Neji?" I ask.

"To talk." He says.

"Why?" I ask.

We bicker about random stuff. it has been ten minuets. and in that time, Sasuke threw a kick, and it was stopped by Lee. We're on our way to the real exam room, but we are stopped by Lee.

"I want to fight Uchiha." He says. Sasuke turns.

"That so?" He says. Lee nods. "Alright." he says. They engage in combat. Sasuke activates his Sharingan, but even then, Lee's too fast.

"You can't beat me!" Lee taunts. "I'm to fast for you!" Lee uses "Leaf hurricane", and defeats Sasu easily.

"Sasuke!" I cry. I run and catch him before he hits the ground. "Are you alright?" I ask. He's shaking, with shock. His pride has been hurt..... I think. Soon, a turtle appears. Its a turtle........I think to myself. The turtle scolds Lee, and Gai appears. I give him a bored look.

"Heyyyyy." He says, teeth shining. I roll my eyes. He "punishes" lee, then they get all, huggy? and stuff. I do my best to not gag. "So, your kakashi's students." he says. I nod. After, we go to the room and Kakashi is waiting for us outside of it.

"Oh, Sakura?" He says."You've come?"

"Is that a bad thing?" She asks.

"No, but i expected that you would drop out, especially since you and Emi are fighting."

"If anyone were to drop out, it should have been Emi!" Sakura says. "And no, I'm not going to drop out. I have my mind set. Besides, Sasuke already tried to get me to drop out. He failed." Kakashi explains to us about what the real reason for the exams was.

We walk into the exam room, and gasp. Oh....oh no.......


A/N: Hahahahah! CLIFF-HANGER! Any guesses as to what will happen??

also, comment #LETSSTARTAWAR! and which ship is the best! SasuEmi, or Italise?

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