Fight with Zabuza #2

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~Emi's P.O.V~

What is this strange chakra signature?, I think to myself. I wince as my wound continues to bleed. Sasuke looks at me with a worried expression.

"Are you all right?" he asks. I nod.

"I just need to heal it," I reply. I hover my hand over the wound, and a green glow comes from my hand, closing the wound. I decide to tell him. "Do you feel like there is someone else here?" i ask. "No......" He replies.

Soon, Zabuza has Kakashi in one of his water prisons. "Run!" Kakashi yells. "You must get away! he can not chase you while he's holding me captive!" "His clones can though!" I snap. Naruto, like the idiot he is, runs toward Zabuza. Zabuza effortlessly throws him to the side. "Naruto!" Sakura yells. I rush over to Naruto, Hovering my green glow over his shoulder. "Go away! I can Handle this myself!" He Shouts pushing me away running back over to Zabuza, Getting Smacked away again. "Naruto, you baka!" I scream at him. "Let me help!" "NO!" he yells back, getting up. "STAY BACK! I said I can handle this!" "BAKA!" I scream. I run directly at Zabuza. "Phoenix Flower Jutsu!" I say. the balls of fire went straight for Zabuza. He dodges. his clone ends up behind me. I was to late! he slashes my back and stomach, and a wave of intense pain hits me and makes me nauseous. I fall to the ground in a pool of my own blood. Sasuke. I think to myself. I'm sorry. I then black out.


~Sasuke's P.O.V~

I screamed Emi's name. loud. I ran to her side as fast as i could. I shook with grief. I called her name with distress and horror for the first time in years. I drop down beside her. with shaky hands, i carefully roll her onto her back. "Wake up." I say. "You can't die on me. not here. not now. So please, wake up. Please." I hold her in my arms. her blood soaks my shirt, but I don't care. all I care about is her. Emi. my friend. I let a few tears fall. The only person who could relate to my problems. The only one who truly cared about me. The only person I cared about. Emi is the only person that could fill the void in my heart after Itachi brutally tore himself away from me. The only person my love was for. Emi. "She's the only person I care about." I say out loud. "The only person I truly loved." I turn to Zabuza, my eyes red. "And you tore her away. YOU BASTARD!!" I run at him. I manage to get a few really good hits in before Kakashi stopped me, and told me that I did enough and to go take care of Emi. I walk back to her. I do my best to stop the bleeding.

Soon, Zabuza is dead. I pick Emi up bridal style, and followed after Tazuna, and the others. Kakashi draped across Tazuna's back. We arrive at his home, and Emi and Kakashi are immediately taken to another room. I wads reluctant to let Emi go, but I did. After her treatment, I sit down. I'm determined to sit here until Emi wakes up.........


A/N: another chapter done. this one was really hard for me to write because it's so heart breaking.


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