Elise's Description

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A/N: Now time for Elise's description. same set up I did for Emi. Full name, age, personality,affliction, background, what she's good at, clothing, what she looks like, hobbies, likes, dislikes and what her dreams were for the future.

(The picture is her BEFORE she became apart of the Akatsuki)


Name (Full): Elise Shihio

age: 18

personality: Elise is a kind person. she never wanted to fight, and was always trying to keep the peace.

affliction: was a member of Konoha. now apart of the Akatsuki.

background: She was 10 when Elise first set her eyes on Emi. She was.......skeptical, always saying she didn't like Emi at first. But then, Emi called her Onee-chan, older sister, which caused Elise to bring down her barrier between herself and Emi. Elise automatically responded to Emi by calling her Nee-san. Younger sister. Elise saw Emi, not as a stranger, but as a little sister, and promised to protect her with her life, even if it meant Elise dying. She always claimed that Emi was worth more to her, than her own life. At the age of 14, Elise met Itachi and they automatically became friends. They grew quite close over the years. As they started falling for each other, Elise and Itachi became involved in a romantic relationship. Elise was 17 at this time. When Elise turned 18, she along with Itachi were given two choices. Both terrible. Either kill their entire clans to keep Emi and Sasuke safe, or watch as both the Shihio and Uchiha Clans were wiped out, and their siblings died along with them. Elise begged for there to be another way, asking how she could become a murderer. The Hokage insisted that they only had two choices. Elise begged and begged, each time she was turned down. She then accused him of hating her and Itachi. He declined. She started yelling and screaming at the hokage. Elise was about to walk up to him, but Itachi held her back, pulling her into his arms. She buried her face in his shoulder and cried. They were both given four days to make their decision. after the four days, Elise did it. She murdered her clan. She cried when she killed her parents. They told her that they loved her, and they understood. She was only protecting her sister. They also told her that they were proud to have her as a daughter. they died with smiles on their faces. after, Elise sunk to the floor, and cried harder than she ever did before. From then on, she hoped Emi would in fact become stronger than her, that way she could be set free from her sin. she never told Itachi this, but she had a feeling that Itachi had the same hope for Sasuke. (Which he did)

what she's good at: Elise is a master of Ninjutsu, Taijutsu, and Genjutsu

clothing: before she became an Akatsuki, she wore a white thigh high dress. black leggings, a pair of goggles, her ninja belt, normal ninja sandals, and a bracelet,that was a Gift from Itachi. now, she wears the normal Akatsuki garb, while still retaining the bracelet, and her Ninja belt. As well as her goggles, although their hidden in her cloak, away from prying eyes. Also her headband, which has a slash mark through the center, telling people that her ties with Konoha are gone.

what she looks like: Elise is 5'9, with pale skin, long white hair, and ocean blue eyes. she bears a scar on her left shoulder from one of her many fights with Kisame. (Each time Kisame would hurt Elise, Itachi would wound him in the same manner. #ITACHIISSOPROTECTIVE)

hobbies: reading, drawing and listening to music

Likes: just being with Itachi when they have some time to themselves ( ;) ;) <3 <3 <3 <3) and teasing Deidara.

Dislikes: having to bear the weight of what she has done. also, Kisame, (She would never say that out loud) and when Itachi is gone on longer-than-necessary-missions.

what was once a dream for the future: For her and Emi to finally bond a lot more. (She never got the chance)

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